
God has honored you with circling the two holy places

قد شرفك الله بطوف الحرمين

1. God has honored you with circling the two holy places
With the sight of the two shrines your eyes find peace

١. قَد شَرفَك الله بِطَوفِ الحَرمين
مِن رؤيَةِ مَشهدَين قَرَّتْ لَكَ عَينْ

2. Blessed is he who visits you, for in truth
Who visits you has visited Ali and Hussein

٢. طُوبَى لِمَن أَلقاكَ لأنَّ التَحقيقَ
مَنْ زَارَكَ قَد زَارَ عَلياً وحُسينْ