
Glory be to my Creator, who created death and life

سبحان خالقي خلق الموت والحياة

1. Glory be to my Creator, who created death and life
Blessed is he who is helped by patience and steadfastness

١. سُبحانَ خالِقي خَلقَ المَوتَ والحياةَ
طُوبَى لِمن يُساعدهُ الصبرَ والثباتَ

2. What He who intended victory and deliverance has willed, occurred
He who sent down the rains and revived vegetation with it

٢. مَا شَاءَ مَن أرَادَ بهِ الفوزَ والنَجاةَ
مَنْ أنزَلَ المياهَ وأحيا بهِ النبَاتَ

3. You made the universe manifest by your appearance
And the perfection of your essence was supreme in the best of attributes

٣. أوجَبتَ بالظُّهورِ المُكوناتِ
وعَلاَ كَمَالُ ذَاتِكَ في أحسنِ الصِفاتِ

4. A word of peace, and it was completed with blessings

٤. كَلمِةٌ بالسلامِ وتَمهَ بالصَلواتِ