
May the hands of the scribe who wrote it wither, without him

تبت يدا كاتب لولاه ما خربت

1. May the hands of the scribe who wrote it wither, without him
An edifice founded on knowledge and propriety would not have fallen into ruin.

١. تَبتْ يَدا كَاتِبٍ لَولاهُ ما خَرِبَتْ
مَعمُورةٌ أُسسَتْ بالعِلمِ والأَدبِ

2. He prescribed wine to spread corruption, so his prescription
Seeks pretexts, though wine's evils fly from grapes.

٢. أردَا مِنَ الخَمرِ في الإفسادِ نسخَتَهُ
تَستَظهِرُ العَيبَ طائراً مِنَ العنَبِ