
Why does the critic cavil at my principles

ما للقريض تعاصى

1. Why does the critic cavil at my principles,
vilifying me openly and secretly?

١. ما للقريض تعاصى
جهرا عليّ وسرا

2. I used to sprinkle you all
from his sweet ocean, pearls.

٢. وكنت أنثر فيكم
من بحره العذب درا

3. And my poetry was like an army
marching by land and sea.

٣. وكان شعري كجيش
يساق بحرا وبرا

4. No wonder, by God when
I insisted on fleeing.

٤. لا غرو والله لما
على الفرار أصرا

5. My confidant did not flee from me,
but rather from Solomon he fled.

٥. ما فر مني قريني
بل من سليمان فرا

6. He was set free from him
only by being free.

٦. لم يغد منه طليقا
إلا لكونه حرا

7. Last night my heart took him prisoner,
and he came to ask forgiveness,

٧. في ليلة الأمس أسرى
به الفؤاد فرا

8. from the one who joined us.
Long live you all, and long live my country

٨. وجساء يسأل عفوا
من جمعنا الفذ طرا

9. and those virtuous ones who inhabited it.

٩. عشتم وعاشت بلادي
ومن بها قد أبرا