
On the bank of the valley stood a lofty palace

على ضفة الوادي بقتة شاهق

1. On the bank of the valley stood a lofty palace
Towering over the gardens like a citadel

١. على ضفة الوادي بقتّة شاهق
تشامخ صرح بين تلك الحدائق

2. Built in the same style with the same pillars
There was no sight more pleasing

٢. أعيدت به ذات العماد بنفسها
فلم ير فيه منظر غير شائق

3. Had al-Nu'man seen it he would have said it was Khawarnaq
And how often have they wrongly favored one over another

٣. فلو ريء للنعمان قال خورنقي
وكم حكموا بالفضل ظلما لسابق

4. There the lord of the palace was told one night
Of his first newborn, the noblest of creatures

٤. هنالك رب القصر بشر ليلة
بأول مولود لأثرى الخلائق

5. So he became in the hall like Chosroes of the age
Guarded by soldiers holding lances

٥. فأصبح في الإيوان كسرى زمانه
يحف اتقاء دونهم بالنمارق

6. And the vast halls of the palace were crowded
With people congratulating the Prince insincerely

٦. وغصت رحاب الصرح رغم اتساعها
لتهنئة المولى بكل منافق

7. Neither liking him nor wanting his friendship
Nor for the beauty of his radiant cheeks

٧. تؤمّه لا ودا ولا لنواله
ولا لجمال في محيّاه رائق

8. Nor for the perfection rarely found
But out of fear like startled cattle

٨. ولا لخلال قلما وجدوا لها
نظيرا ولكن كهربا في الدوانق

9. Leave them and their master be
And go to the humblest of inns

٩. فدعهم بذياك الجناب وشأنهم
وعرج على بيت بأدنى الفنادق

10. See the night has let down its curtains
And afflicted them with all kinds of worries

١٠. ترى الليل أرخى مدلهما سدوله
عليهم بأنواع الهموم الطوارق

11. And poverty had nearly made its roof cave in
And if the wind blew, nothing could stop it

١١. وقد كادت النكباء تهوي بسقفه
وإن طرقته الريح من دون عائق

12. Inside were a husband and pregnant wife
Her labor pains warned of hardship ahead

١٢. وفي قعره شخصان بعل وحامل
أتاها مخاض مؤذنا بالمضائق

13. So she woke her worn out husband
And the maids to help with the delivery

١٣. فأيقضت المنهوك بالشغل يومه
وما دونه في بيتنها من مرافق

14. And said to him, "My time has come, so fetch
A midwife to deliver me before anyone else"

١٤. وقالت له قد آن وضعي فجيء بمن
تولدني واسبق بها كل سابق

15. So he went around the neighbors seeking help
With tears flowing down his cheeks

١٥. فطاف على الأجوار والمزن هاطل
كسيال دمع فوق خديه دافق

16. But no neighbor responded to his call
Even if the lightning in the sky answered with thunder

١٦. وعاد وما لبت نداءه جارة
وإن قد أجابته السما بالصواعق

17. And were it not for the light of the palace that night
He would have drowned in the valley in darkness

١٧. ولولا ضياء القصر في ليلة الهنا
لأصبح في الوادي به شلو غارق

18. And as he approached the house, he hesitated
Confused, not knowing what to do

١٨. وحانت خطاه توطىء البيت إنما
يؤخره عنه اضطراب لقالق

19. He saw it was awkward if he let out her secret
And shameful for anyone else to know the truth

١٩. رأى قصوة في أمره إن فشا به
لها وقبيح أن يرى غير صادق

20. Her husband's poverty made him anxious
When he approached the house in the dark of night

٢٠. وقد أوحشته أنة الزوج إذ دنا
من البيت في جنح من الليل غاسق

21. On his sallow face were traces of disappointment
Matching his dwelling on the ground floor

٢١. على وجهه المصفر آثار خيبة
تناسب سكناه بأسفل طابق

22. When his wife saw him return alone
She knew it was improper to blame such a man

٢٢. فلما رأته الزوج قد آب وحده
رأت لومها في مثله غير لائق

23. But her screams in labor interceded
With the first cry of a baby born without anger

٢٣. وصاحت ولكن صيحة الوضع شفعت
بصيحة مولود أتى غير حانق

24. So he said, "Rejoice, it's a boy you've borne
And if I must carry another burden on my shoulders, so be it"

٢٤. فقال أبشري هذا غلام ولدته
وإن كان غلا ثانيا فوق عاتقي

25. She replied, "God alone is the Provider
No one else, if you but understand the Sustainer"

٢٥. فقالت هو الرزاق وحده كافل
فما غيره لو كنت تدري برازق

26. Oh night when two unfortunate babies were born
One wealthy, one destitute - such is the decision of the Creator

٢٦. فيا ليلة فيها غلامان بائس
ومثر وما ذي غير قسمة خالق

27. And how many nights have passed like this, how many
Have revealed these truths to us

٢٧. وكم ليلة من مثلها سلفت وكم
لنا نطقت أدوارها بالحقائق

28. A boy in soft fine clothes
While the other wraps his body in rags

٢٨. فتى في ملاء من دمقس مجلل
وهذا بطمر فوق جسمه لاصق

29. For one the wet nurse paid to feed him
Not wanting food of poorer quality

٢٩. وهذا له الظئر التي خصصت به
فما غذيت غير الطعام الموافق

30. While the other must make do with his mother's milk
Oh how her heart quivers as she nurses him

٣٠. وهذا غذاء الأم في اليوم أكلة
فيا لفؤاد في رضاعه خافق

31. Often her work prevents her from feeding him
So he compensates by going hungry for long minutes

٣١. فكم عاقه عند الرضاع اشتغالها
فيعتاض بالإعفاء بضع دقائق

32. Often her work is disrupted by his crying
Whenever he calls her with a piercing scream

٣٢. وكم عاقها عن شغلها بصراخة
إذا ما دعتها منه صرخة صاعق

33. Those two boys passed their childhood days
One now enjoys all of life’s pleasures, the other remains in the tent

٣٣. قضى ذانك الطفلان دور صباهما
فذا في الفيافي والغني في السرادق

34. Those two branches thrived in their own ways
And the time came for them to take up their paths

٣٤. واينع ذا الغصنان في دوحتيهما
وللعلم قد حان اتخاذ الطرائق

35. As for the poor mischievous boy, fate
Led him to the orphan’s school, sent off in rags

٣٥. فأما الفتى الصعلوك فالحظ ساقه
لمدرسة اليتام أنعم لسائق

36. While the wealthy boy - his father refused
To send him away to school

٣٦. وأما الفتى المثري فوالده أبي
حنوّه أن يغدو له بمفارق

37. So he brought in a tutor, as was customary
For children of his kind - what an outrage!

٣٧. فجاء بأستاذ على طبق عادة
لأمثاله تبا لها من شقاشق

38. Years passed as he studied grammar
But was unable to master speech

٣٨. مضت سنوات عنه في أحرف الهجا
ليتقنها لكنه غير ناطق

39. So his learning ended just as it began
And he excelled in doing nothing

٣٩. فتم بها تعليمه مثلما ابتدا
فأصبح ممتازا على كل ناهق

40. He spent his free time, which was plentiful
Riding horses and boats

٤٠. وقسم أوقات الفراغ وكلها
فراغ على أفراسه والزوارق

41. He was surrounded by vile people
And scorned cheap tasteless food

٤١. ودارت حواليه الأسالف حيث لم
يرق له الأكل نذل وفاسق

42. He became well known among them for extravagance
Oblivious to warnings of sure downfall

٤٢. فأصبح منها في المخازي مبرّزا
ولم يتفطن عندها للمزالق

43. They rebuked him severely whenever
He clung to the arms of lovers at the tavern

٤٣. يصعر خدا في النصيحة كلما
بدا له في الحانات خد المعانق

44. In his eyes, nothing was better than
Going out partying or courting a lover

٤٤. فلم ير في دنياه شيئا أجل من
ذهاب لملهى أو حديث لعاشق

45. How often did he long in those wild nights
For the wealth of one whose heart was captive to passion

٤٥. وكم كان في أفنائها متشوفا
لثروة ذي قلب بحبّه عالق

46. If only his desires hadn't led him
To squander his money - pity stalled hopes!

٤٦. بوده لم تغدو إلى شهواته
مبددة تعسا لآمال عائق

47. And when his father passed away
He cared not, though his inheritance was great

٤٧. وما مثله حي وإن أبّنوا له
أباه وكان المال أنعق ناعق

48. He didn't even wipe the dust off his father's grave
No tear for the deceased, only longing for unattainable gain

٤٨. فما نفض الكفين من ترب قبره
لمثبوث دمع بل لموروث مارق

49. So Destitution rolled up its sleeve
And every sweet turned bitter in his mouth

٤٩. فشمّر للإسراف عن ساعد الشقا
وحيعل فيه للخنا كل مائق

50. In but a few years, from wealthy he went
To dire financial straits

٥٠. فلم تمض أعوام قلائل عندها
إلى أن غدا بعد الغنى في المضائق

51. During those years, that poor young orphan
Worked hard day and night focused on his lessons

٥١. وقد كان في أثنائها ذلك الفتى
بمدرسة الأيتام أحذق حاذق

52. He had lost his loving mother and father
Who died in battle amidst the trenches

٥٢. يواصل فيها ليله بنهاره
بفكر مصيب في دروسه راشق

53. So a widow took pity on the miserable boy
And gave him life - unwavering in her conviction

٥٣. وقد فارق الأم الحنون ووالدا
قضى نحبه في الحرب بين الخنادق

54. He climbed the government ranks
To gain a position with some clout

٥٤. فآب وقد آبت لأرملة به
حياة وما خابت مساع لواثق

55. At the time, medicine was his deepest passion
He forged a path in it like no other pioneer

٥٥. تسلق ديوان الحكومة سلما
ليقضي بالإيراد بعض المرافق

56. He earned a medical degree
Which lit the way to happiness

٥٦. وكانت له في الطب إذ ذاك غاية
فشق لها بحرا ولا شق طارق

57. His character and reputation spread through North Africa
And word of him reached the Eastern regions, too

٥٧. فأحرز للتطبيب فيها شهادة
فكانت إلى الإسعاد أول بارق

58. As for the wealthy boy, he bought and sold
Cheap trinkets that even the wretched wouldn't hawk

٥٨. وشاع جميلا في المغارب صبته
كما ذاع أيضا ذكره في المشارق

59. But that tedious trade was soon his
With no blessing stripped away by the Lord of Wealth

٥٩. وبات الفتى المثري يبيع ويشتري
نطاسينا ما باعه ذو البوائق

60. But wealth alone cannot save a man
And the ignorant are devoid of any weapon

٦٠. فآل له ذاك التليد بأسره
وما اختلست رب الغنى كف مارق

61. So the boy was impacted by this reversal of fate
And his recklessness led him to disaster

٦١. ولكنما الإثراء وحده مهلك
وذو الجهل فيه فاقد للغرانق

62. He turned his house into a gambling den
One frequented by Western lowlifes

٦٢. فأثر هذا الانقلاب على الفتى
وقد ساقه إملاقه للمآزق

63. He spent what little money he had left
Consoling himself that he would get rich again

٦٣. فيمم دارا للقمار وإنها
لأمثال هذا الغربيت الخوارق

64. Then he hurried to the public garden
A rifle clutched in his hands

٦٤. فأنفق فيها ما تبقى بجيبه
وعزاه في الإثراء آخر دانق

65. He pointed it towards his heart and ended his life
Escaping this world like a fleeing beast

٦٥. فأسرع للروض العمومي حاملا
لنفسه في الكفين إحدى البنادق

66. Thus death was his final disgrace
And all ties were severed

٦٦. وصوبها في قلبه فاشتفي بها
وفر من الدنيا مفرة آبق

٦٧. فكان إليه الموت آخر زلة
وكانت بها منه انقطاع العلائق