1. How wondrous is your heart, carrying such love,
Enduring connection even after parting.
١. عجبا لقلبك كيف يحمل وده
ويطيق من بعد التواصل بعده
2. It must have grown accustomed
To affection, and so let down its guard of aloofness.
٢. ما ذاك إلا أنه مستأنس
بالود فاستسلم السلامة حده
3. The strings of passion bound it with their melody,
And so your being was unveiled before it.
٣. ربطته أسلاك الهوى بسميّه
فاذا بذاتك قد تجلت عنده
4. And the two hearts promised not to find
Fault with the blow of time, however hard.
٤. وتعاهد القلبان أن لا يعبآ
بنكاية الزمن المشخذ حده
5. Tell the nights to surpass with their arrows
As much as they are able; my love of your beauty is greater.
٥. قل لليالي فلتفوق سهمها
مهما استطاعت فهوي حسن رده
6. This is the soliloquy of a soul in its aloneness,
And God knows what comes after it.
٦. هذا حديث النفس في خلواتها
واللّه يعلم ما الذي يك بعده