
For Allah the reviver of religion

لله محيي الدين فل

1. For Allah the reviver of religion
Let there remain for us his auspicious side

١. للّه محيي الدين فل
يبق الإله لنا جنابه

2. He was nothing but a manifestation
Of pride and no wonder

٢. ما كان إلا مظهرا
للافتخار ولا غرابه

3. In glory there is no standard
Except its people who excel

٣. في المجد ما من راية
إلا تلقاها عرابه

4. In him genius embodied
Since he was the sign of salvation

٤. فيه النبوغ مجسم
مذ كان عنوان النجايه

5. After the Sheikh none was
Like him in eloquence and speech

٥. ما كان بعد الشيخ غي
ره بالقدير على الخطابه

6. From him enthusiasm is gained
Whoever wishes let him take his fill

٦. منه الحماسة تقتنىء
من شاء فليملأ وطابه

7. So I thank him
And you should calculate like me his account

٧. فعلى حسابي شكره
ولتحسبوا مثلي حسابه