
They wronged you, my grandfather, though you were not wrongful

ظلموك يا جدي ولست ظلوما

1. They wronged you, my grandfather, though you were not wrongful
How long has your right remained usurped?

١. ظلموك يا جدي ولست ظلوما
لمتى وحقك لم يزل مهضوما

2. They raised false claims and strayed into error
That time dragged in sorrows for you

٢. رفع الدعاوي واستبد ضلالة
ذاك الزمان وجر عنك هموما

3. They counted his crimes against you and exonerated
Their domains from them, so you remained blamed

٣. عدوا جرائمه عليك وبرأوا
ساحاتهم منها فبت ملوما

4. They said what they wished and what desire fancied
And upon you was whatever they decreed binding

٤. نطقوا بما شاءوا وما شاء الهوى
وعليك كان بما قضوا محكوما

5. What good does it do you for the historian to transmit
From them though they were adversaries to you?

٥. ماذا يفيدك والمؤرخ ناقل
عنهم وإن كانوا إليك خصوما

6. They said you amassed wealth without
Being turnable about anything, and were not merciful

٦. قالوا بأنك جامع للمال لا
تلوي على شيء ولست رحيما

7. They said you do not ask about reform and you settled
In the bosom of corruption, resident

٧. قالوا على الإصلاح لست بسائل
وربضت في كنف الفساد مقيما

8. They said your promises you breach,
Your hopeful in them has not ceased deprived

٨. قالوا بأنك في وعودك مخلف
راجيك فيهم لم يزل محروما

9. Your lips smile yet your palm hunts what
Their tyranny has brought, and you are not generous

٩. شفتاك تبسم والكف تصيد ما
جلبته سطوتكم ولست كريما

10. You unleashed your despotism’s self-willed hand
In the inhabitants, a hell of misery

١٠. أطلقت معتسفا يدا استبدادكم
في الساكنين من الشقاء جحيما

11. You burdened their shoulders while your unfettered son
Slept, so the crops through him were devastated

١١. أثقلت كاهلهم ونجلك مطلق ال
أيدي فبات الزرع منه هشيما

12. And you pastured in the Husseini precinct, preventing
Other than you to govern the region

١٢. ورتعت في اليت الحسيني مانعا
عنهم سواك لتحكم الإقليما

13. And you ruled close to forty years, and they were
Inauspicious days in the country, ill-omened

١٣. وحكمت نحو الأربعين فكانت ال
أيام نحسا في البلاد وشوما

14. And you intentionally stood in the path of its protections
A time, for you hate organization

١٤. ووقفت قصدا في سبيل حماتها
زمنا لأنك تبغض التنظيما

15. And to France in particular is enmity
For you, no breeze of affection did you show it

١٥. وإلى فرنسا بالخصوص عداوة
لك ما رأوا للود منك نسيما

16. These are your virtues which you left
To your sons, a pained, afflicted heart

١٦. هذي مناقبك التي أبقيتها
لبنيك قلبا داميا مكلوما

17. Fifty years have passed with the truth in
Absence, its identity not known

١٧. خمسون عاما قد مضت والحق في
غيبات جبّه لم يكن معلوما

18. Until the grandson assumed your role and came to them
Embodying your character, well-drawn

١٨. حتى تقمّصت الحفيد وجئتهم
متمثّلا في شخصه مرسوما

19. This is the time for equity and the equitable one in the
World, listen to the faint call within you

١٩. هذا أوان القسط والقسطاط في ال
دنيا استمع للصوت فيك رخيما

20. I will show you signs of His justice, a Ruler
Who makes events occur however He wished from old

٢٠. سيريك من آيات عدله حاكم
يجري الحوادث كيف شاء قديما

21. Entrusted to His command is the time, and today He
Has fulfilled your right, so behold what is constructed

٢١. بالوقت أمره موكل واليوم قد
وفاك حقك فارأ المنظوما

22. Blown upon you are winds of victory which I have watered
A crop in your enemies, devastated

٢٢. هبّت عليك رياح نصر سقتها
تذروه زرعا في عداك هشيما

23. My arguments to you are subtle, needing
Contemplation - the discerning amplifies them as stars

٢٣. حججي اليك دقيقة تحتاج لل
إمعان يكبرها البصير نجوما

24. You used to be alone at night, knowing
Since you were amid the men, leader

٢٤. قد كنت وحدك بالليالي عالما
مذ كنت في وسط الرجال زعيما

25. With fortitude you battled your country’s afflictions
Resigned to His decree, acquiescent

٢٥. جلدا تصارع في البلاد بلاءها
مستسلما لقضائه تسليما

26. You used to be among them as time is well-mannered
You walk surely, you do not see confusion

٢٦. قد كنت فيهم كالزمان مؤدبا
تمشي الهوينا لا ترى التهويما

27. And all testify in politics that you are the
Most knowledgeable man in it, counted great

٢٧. والكل يشهد في السياسة أنك ال
رجل الدها فيها تعد عظيما

28. If you had betrayed them, you’d have sold their lands
Since you held power over it in your hand

٢٨. لو كنت خائنهم لبعت بلادهم
مذ كنت تحمل في يديك رقيما

29. You entrusted in Paris to do as you pleased
Who tomorrow became subservient to its envoy

٢٩. فوضت في باريس تفعل ما تشا
ممن غدا لرسوله مخدوما

30. Your possession was not for luck distributed
But the treasury of the state, accumulated

٣٠. ما كان مالك في الحظوظ موزعا
لكن خزينة دولة مركوما

31. You prepared it for eventualities, a reserve
And were content that you were, with harm, marked

٣١. أعددته للحادثات ذخيرة
ورضيت كونك بالأذى موسوما

32. How many times did you cleverly maneuver in politics
Among the consuls who knew you as wise

٣٢. كم كنت دورا في السياسة لاعبا
بين القناصل عارفيك حكيما

33. You sold the jewelry, preparing when necessary
Rustam’s army, which he led, brought

٣٣. بعت المصوغ مجهزا عند الضرو
رة جيش رستم ساقه مأموما

34. The enemy testified you were the pillar in the
Last third, by its right you stand

٣٤. شهد العدو بأنك القوام في الث
لث الأخير بحقّه لتقوم

35. If he had not said it, I swear by God to
That standing - for you belong the darkness and stars

٣٥. لو لم يقلها أشهد اللّه على
ذاك القيام لك الدجى ونجوما

36. The enemy testified you were good-natured and gentle
And excellent in manners he found you

٣٦. شهد العدو بأنك الهش البشو
ش ويا له خلقا لديك كريما

37. The enemy testified to your chastity, negating from you
Sins though you were not infallible

٣٧. شهد العدو بعفة تنفي علي
ك المعصيات ولم تكن معصوما

38. Your logic did not know vileness, nor did
Your mouth know cordiality, nor did you take a cup-companion

٣٨. لم يدر منطقك البذاء ولا درى
فمك الرحيق ولا اصطحبت نديما

39. When the innovations inclined, those great philosophers
Before you inclined, who believe in astrology

٣٩. هب ملت للحدثان مالت قبلك ال
كبرا فلاسفة ترى التنجيما

40. What appeared from you was its opposite,
For your view in matters remained sound

٤٠. ما كان يظهر منك فهو نقيضها
إذ بات رايك في الأمور سليما

41. You were staunch in belief, truly
If it was a sin, then let it remain blamed

٤١. كنت الشديد الاعتقاد حقيقة
إن كان ذنبا فلتكن مذؤوما

42. The enemy testified to the strength of faith in
That heart, and it contained a core

٤٢. شه العدو بقوة الإيمان في
ذاك الفؤاد وكان فيه صميما

43. If those domes did not stand as witness
To you, then the known would be doubted

٤٣. لو لم تقم تلك القباب كشاهد
عدك اليك لأنكر المعلوما

44. They indicated sincerity in his acts
For the righteous, erecting them reverently

٤٤. دلّت على الإخلاص في أعماله
للصالحين أقامها تعظيما

45. How much has he endowed its sheikhs with his prayers
And the grace from him was not absent

٤٥. كم زودته شيوخها بدعائها
والفضل منه لم يكن معدوما

46. Who believes in God loves Him
So ignore their hypocrisy - they see him an enemy

٤٦. من كان يؤمن بالإله يحبّه
فذروا منافقهم يراه غريما

47. It has been said the day of dismissal in Ramadan
Resembled your being stoned in your shackling

٤٧. قد قيل يوم العزل في رمضان قد
أشبهت في تقييدك المرجوما

48. What was greatest of them? How can an elder who overflowed
From the Book with knowledge approve it?

٤٨. ما كان أكبرها وكيف يسغيها
شيخ أفاض من الكتاب علوما

49. It was written, so it was in the page of his life
A clear, evident, known error

٤٩. خطّت فكانت في صحيفة عمره
خطأ مبينا واضحا معلوما

50. If faith was not scorned, its sayer would not
Be counted a sinner, unchaste

٥٠. لو لم يخف الاعتقاد لما ازدرى
بتقاك قائلها يعد أثيما

51. But when their faces appear to you
Reciting on both sides a mark of infamy

٥١. لكن اذا بانت اليك وجوههم
تتلو على الطرفين أية سيما

52. Oh time, betrayal on a day of your glory
They cannot assess even if they found a learned one

٥٢. يال الزمان خيانة في يوم عز
لك لا تقدر لو وجدت عليما

53. The consuls offered their protection, supporting
The truth, but they saw you forbearing

٥٣. عرضت حمايتها القناصل نصرة
للحق لكن قد رأوك حليما

54. You said the country is his country and the money innocence
And you remained upon loyalty, concealing

٥٤. قلت البلاد بلاده والمال عا
رية وبت على الوفاء كظيما

55. If you had unleashed the disturbances then
You’d have made your master the prince your servant

٥٥. لو رمت احداث القلاقل عندها
لجعلت سيدك الأمير خديما

56. And there reached you from Bismarck his letter
Borne by one of the elite, sufficient in its veneration

٥٦. وافاك من بيزمرك يحمل خطه
أحد الخواص كفى به تفخيما

57. Asking in exchange for that, Bizerte
To cede it, and you were compassionate

٥٧. يرجو مقابل ذاك بنزرت الي
أكبرت إعطاها وكنت رحيما

58. So you answered him to leave the right to it, not ours in it
So he returned deprived, both of you

٥٨. فأجبته للترك حق لا لنا
فيها فعاد كلاكما محروما

59. Knowing you are in innocence residing
And rizq was by His command apportioned

٥٩. علما بأنك في البراءة راتع
والرزق كان بأمره مقسوما

60. You intend to devote yourself purely to worship, for
They are gone and you cannot revive the non-existent

٦٠. تنوي التمحّض للعبادة حيث قد
عدموا ولست بموجد معدوما

61. They demolished your edifice with picks in
Politics, so those bastions became mere traces

٦١. هدموا بناءك بالمعاول في السيا
سة فاغتدت تلك الصروح رسوما

62. Oh grandfather, you were the talisman to your secret treasure
So after you its sealed door was opened

٦٢. يا جد كنت لكنز سرك طلسما
ففتحت بعدك بابه المختوما

63. Your innocence was prior to my innocence
They nullified, though its script was transcribed

٦٣. كانت براءتكم قبيل براءتي
لغوا وإن يك خطها مرقوما

64. But it returned to you correct,
No blemish between its lines, pure

٦٤. لكنها رجعت إليك صحيحة
لا خدش من بين السطور مشيما

65. Oh people, my father’s sin is your independence
When your region for him was subjugated

٦٥. يا قوم ذنب أبي هو استقلالكم
مذ كان قطركمو له محكوما

66. He safeguarded your country’s existence
Sacrificing his life, unjustly wronged

٦٦. كان المخافظ عن كيان بلادكم
ضحى حياته ظالما مظلوما

67. Hoping the country would remain for its people
Forever, repelling from it the troops’ onslaughts

٦٧. يرجو بأن تبقى البلاد لأهلها
أبدا يرد من الجيوش هجوما

68. But fate refuses and the destined is occurring
Until they poured upon him poisons of defense

٦٨. والدهر يأبى والمقدر كائن
حتى سقوه على الدفاع سموما

69. When he was about to attain his purpose, if not for fate
Casting down his sword among them, broken

٦٩. إذ كاد يظفر بالمنى لولا القضا
ألقى بسيفه بينهم مثلوما

70. The amir and his family regretted when regret
Profiteth naught, especially his dismissal, and generally

٧٠. ندم الأمير ولات حين ندامة
مذ حطمته يد الشقا تحطيما

71. He attended the funeral the day of his burial, saying
I have restored my ministry, rebuilt

٧١. حضر الجنازة يوم دفنه قائلا
أني رممت وزارتي ترميما

72. Tears flow but their wailing will not benefit
And the stabbing of conscience became painful to him

٧٢. يجري الدموع ولن يفيد عويله
وخز الضمير غدا إليه أليما

73. And so Khair al-Din became regretful
For he was not of unburdened conscience, ignoble

٧٣. وكذاك خير الدين أصبح نادما
إذ لم يكن حر الضمير لئيما

74. Ibn Ayad conveyed the regret of his in-law
This, and he addressed him with it, rebuking

٧٤. نقل ابن عياد ندامة صهره
هذا وكلمه بها تكليما

75. Since he said: “The greatest mistake which engulfed
Affliction, specifically his dismissal, and generally

٧٥. مذ قال أكبر غلطة عمت بها
البلوى خصوصا عزله وعموما

76. A recognition from those who wronged him, a witness of his right
Say: So let him be decisively right

٧٦. إقرار من ظلموه شاهد حقه
قل فليكم حقا به مجزوما

77. These are the arguments I have presented
I have completed dictating them, appended

٧٧. هذي هي الحجج التي أدلي بها
أتمتمها لبروره تتميما

78. They were like the sun beneath a cloud
So I uncovered them in poetry, clouds dispersed

٧٨. كانت كمثل الشمس تحت سحابة
فأزحت عنها بالقريض غيوما

79. I have preserved the case for him, so I rose to advocate it
At the highest building, buttressed, supported

٧٩. حفظت له الدعوى فقمت برفعها
أعلي البناء مدعما تدعيما

80. And I left to prose my ode to him
A composition which correctness encircles, orbits

٨٠. وتركت للمنثور تفريدي له
سفرا يحوم به الهدى تحويما

81. This is the devout, the vigilant one by night
Who magnifies his Lord, revering

٨١. هذا التقي الذاكر القوام في الليل
المعظم ربه تعظيما

82. This is the devout one, wrongfully oppressed between man
Whom by their oppression they have defamed

٨٢. هذا التقي المظلوم ما بين الورى
من صيروه بظلمهم مشتوما

83. None but he was known for worship
When this Saqsi was abstemious

٨٣. ما كان يعرف للعبادة غيره
مذ كان هذا الساقسي فطيما

84. He never sanctified the crucifixes a single day among them
Nor embraced or kissed them

٨٤. ما قدس الصلبان يوما واحدا
فيهم ولا ضما ولا تقنيما

85. They carried him as a child captive in years
Five - so let their breasts be narrowed

٨٥. حملوه طفلا في الأسارى سنه
خمس فان لصدرهم مضموما

86. He came to Tunis, so Smiha chose him
And he saw majesty enveloping him, honoring him

٨٦. وافى لتونس فاصطفاه سميه
فرأى الجلال يحفّه تكريما

87. Umm al-Mushir sees him alone, her solace
And he saw care and precedence from him

٨٧. أم المشير تراه ضو وحيدها
ورأى العناية منه والتقديما

88. He continued rising in ranks
Until he married his sister Kalthoum

٨٨. ما زال يرقى في الدنو مراتبا
حتى تزوج أخته كلثوما

89. He never left the Husseini house a moment
Out of love and respect for the dwellers of graves, caring for them

٨٩. ما غادر البيت الحسيني لحظة
حبا وعظما في القبور رميما

90. From them and among them was his status
All revere his concealed hand

٩٠. منهم وفيهم شأنه ذو رفعة
كل يعظم كفه الملثوما

91. He filled his chest with medals of honor for him
Which ennobled him, placed atop him

٩١. ملأ الفخار الصدر أوسمة له
شرفت فكانت فوقه مشموما

92. Remaining though the era passed, as ruins
The historian Perim dwelled confused, wallowing

٩٢. هذي شرائطها لدي شهيدة
بقيت وقد ذهب العصير كروما

93. In shadows, and obscured him, defamed him
His sullied conscience, which did not know honesty and prohibition, dictated to him

٩٣. ظل المؤرخ بيرم عشواء تخ
بط في الظلال وحطه تسويما

94. He mentioned the opposite to delude the reader that
He is truthful - the liar of little shame lied

٩٤. أملى عليه ضميره الدنس الذي
لم يعرف التحليل والتحريما

95. Allah made him utter them, so the pen of truth flowed with them
Clear, comprehensible

٩٥. ذكر النقيض ليوهم القاري بأن
ه صادق كذب السفيه زنيما

96. He attacked my grandfather, so the Lord of Justice heated for him
A punishment, incumbent, inescapable

٩٦. الله انطقه بها فجرى بها
قلم الحقيقة واضحا مفهوما

97. I stripped him, despite his death, as a criminal
I punished him and his nation, enflamed

٩٧. قد نال من جدي فقيظني له
رب العدالة ناقما ملزوما

98. My grandfather used to banish the likes of him
After Sulaymi if he saw the insane

٩٨. جردت منه برغم موته مجرما
عاقبته وأمته محموما

99. I presented his lines to him, so the prophet
Of poetry recited about him his metered verse

٩٩. قد كان جدي مبعدا أمثاله
بعد السلمي متى رأى المجذوما

100. “If you are dispraised by a deficient one
Then it is testimony for me, and I am not worthless”

١٠٠. عرضت عليه سطوره فتلا نبي
الشعر عنه بيته المنظوما

101. Mentioning them is a lesson by which afterwards
Whatever is bent in thought is straightened

١٠١. وإذا اتتك مذمتي من ناقص
فهي الشهادة لي ولست ذميما

102. For the historian Faisal’s word was not conclusive
Giving to himself alone the judgment

١٠٢. ذكراها عظة يقوم بعدها
ما اعوج من فكر الورى تقويما

103. How many a right has been lost with its traces
Vanishing, passed between them, prohibited

١٠٣. إذ لم يكن قول المؤرخ فيصلا
يعطي لنفسه وحده التحكيما

104. Strange are the people who studied history but did not
Perceive what was certainly plucked from you

١٠٤. كم ضاع حق و اختفت آثاره
متلاشيا ما بينهم مصروما

105. The secret of politics is not divulged in its time
And therefore the grandfather in it was silent

١٠٥. عجبا لقوم درسوا التاريخ لم
تفطن لما قد كان منك مروما

106. Until time uncovered its veil
Escaping the unknown, no longer imagined

١٠٦. سر السياسة لا يذاع زمانها
ولذاك كان الجد فيه كتوما

١٠٧. حتى إذا كشف الزمان ستارها
برح الخفاء فلم يعد موهوما