
She wronged one who did no wrong to her,

أساءت لمن لم يبد منه لها ذنب

1. She wronged one who did no wrong to her,
So he was patient and voiced no complaint in his anger.

١. أساءت لمن لم يبد منه لها ذنب
فأغضى ولم يصدر لمغضبه عتب

2. The singers oppress us as if they were
Sultans whom the people deify.

٢. تجور علينا الغانيات كأنها
سلاطين إطلاق يؤلهها الشعب

3. Oh how good is the oppression that strengthens the love
Of one who dominates you, though love is a difficult ship.

٣. فيا حبذا جور يوطد حب من
تسلط عنه والهوى مركب صعب

4. They blame me for love though it is predestined,
And they said "torture", I said "but it is sweet."

٤. يلومنني في الحب وهو مقدر
وقالوا عذاب قلت لكنه عذب

5. I had no power, her charm made me incline
Toward her, though clouds concealed her radiance.

٥. وما حيلتي واللطف منها استمالني
اليها وإن غشت أشعته السحب

6. She is the rose that hurts the pickers and is picked,
And we speak truth if we say she is the gazelle and the onager.

٦. هي الورد يؤذي القاطفين ويجتني
ونصدق ان قلنا هي الظبي والضب

7. Love humiliated my soul though she was disdainful
And did not change her nature, but it is love.

٧. أذل الهوى نفسي وكانت أبية
وما حلت عن طبعي ولكن هو الحب

8. The abode does not cease to strive for its Lord
Until He comes to dwell in its heart.

٨. وما خلت أن الدار تسعى لربها
إلى أن غدا يسعى لساكنه القلب

9. I received the spies' news as true
But in secret it is from her that the lie comes.

٩. تلقيت أنباء الوشاة صحيحة
ولكنها في السر منها هي الكذب

10. The denial of her affection does no harm when made
Publicly, so that it may dispel anxiety.

١٠. وما ضر محفوظ الوداد جحودها
علانية كيما يزال به الخطب

11. And I said to her one day "To whom can I complain of you
That he may judge with fairness?" Have mercy on me, Lord.

١١. وقلت لها يوما لمن بك أشتكي
ليحكم بالإنصاف سامحك الرب

12. She said, with her eyes confirming her words:
"Make your complaint to the Highest." I said to her "Enough."

١٢. فقالت وفي العينين مصداق قولها
إلى ارفع الشكوى فقلت لها حسب