
Promises are sold and bought

ذمم تباع وتشترى

1. Promises are sold and bought
They are stripped bare and discarded in the wilderness

١. ذمم تباع وتشترى
تعرى وتنبذ بالعرا

2. And desires hunt them down
All prey in the belly of emptiness

٢. وتصيدها الاهوا وك
ل الصيد في جوف الفرا

3. A blind wanderer groping in the darkness
Seeing neither you nor itself

٣. عشواء تخبط في الظلا
م فلا تراك ولا ترى

4. It expanded but failed
It walked but backwards

٤. وسعت ولكن أخفقت
وخطت ولكن للورا

5. It threw but itself
Until what happened happened

٥. ورمت ولكن نفسها
حتى اعتراها ما اعترى

6. It went out but as
A distorted image between existence

٦. خرجت ولكن صورة
شوهاء ما بين الورى

7. Calling but none who hears
Such is the state of the outcast

٧. تدعو ولا من سامع
وكذاك شأن المزدرى

8. It hopes to catch up with the safe haven
Going forward yet walking backwards

٨. ترجو اللحاق بمحرز
سبقا وتمشي القهقري

9. The distance between them is as
Between a star and the earth

٩. والبون بينهما كما
بين الثريا والثرى