
How many nights we spent, and how many a river

كم من ليال قضيناها وكم نهر

1. How many nights we spent, and how many a river
In the forum, between publishing and importing

١. كم من ليال قضيناها وكم نهر
في المنتدى بين إصدار وإيراد

2. They are the brigades seen in our writing
Among their scent like a bird and a passerby

٢. هي الكتائب تترى من كتابتنا
ما بين رائحها كالطير والغادي

3. Or their calmness extending to the towering peaks
The convoy moves by it, or the guide sings by it

٣. أو قرتها ما تميد الشاهقات به يسري
بها الرتل أو يشدو بها الحادي

4. You inspired it like walls that revive feelings through it
From what provoked you of its apparent sensation

٤. أوحيتها سورا يحيى الشعور بها
مما استفزك من إحساسها البادي

5. They all wandered but not all were poetry
For they swarm from one valley to another

٥. هاموا جميعا وليسوا كلهم شعرا
فهم يهبمون من واد إلى واد

6. But it is poetry, rhythmic or prose
What value would its pearls have without you, its guiding sea

٦. لكن هو الشعر منظوما ومنتثرا
ما سيم دره لولاك بحرك الهادي

7. And people awakened by events descend from it
After a long slumber by your resounding voice

٧. والناسلون من الأحداث موقظهم
من بعد طول سبات صوتك الصادي