
The dawn revealed itself radiant

صفر تجلى مسفرا

1. The dawn revealed itself radiant
From a star among the flowers

١. صفر تجلّى مسفرا
عن نجمة في الزاهرات

2. It rose to illuminate the darkness
Despite the enveloping nights

٢. طلعت تنير دجنّة
رغم الليالي الحالكات

3. So it resumed its quest
For the sake of which life is good

٣. فأعاد مقدمها السعي
د لأجلها طيب الحياة

4. Comforting her father about his father
Never be deprived, oh girl

٤. تسلي أباها عن أبيه
فلا عدمتك يا فتاة

5. Glory to Him who cried and smiled
For you without objection or change

٥. سبحان من أبكى وأضح
ك لاعتراض ولات لات

6. Not half a month had passed
When my Lord said "take this and bring"

٦. ما مر نصف الشهر حتى
قال ربي خذ وهات

7. It was as if the soul of grandfather
Was revived through her after death

٧. فكأن روح الجد قد
بعثت بها بعد الممات

8. Mamia, best of girls
And daughter of the best mothers

٨. مامية خير البنا
ت وبنت خير الأمهات

9. And my brother, her father, is honest
Articulate with evidence

٩. وأخي أبوها الخزندا
ري ناطق بالبينات

10. Since he said at her birth
"The best of daughters came to me"

١٠. مذ قال في ميلادها
أرخت لي خير البنات