1. April, echo her memory in my hearing,
Her most honorable memory and her most radiant one.
١. ردد على السمع يا أبريل ذكراها
ما كان أشرفها ذكرى وأسناها
2. In every heart she has a memory and rank,
A great one that renews within us the memory of her Master.
٢. في كل قلب لها ذكر ومنزلة
عظمى تجدد فينا ذكر مولاها
3. Lord of the throne, relinquishing the crown which is His
Where the emirate pleased Him and satisfied Him.
٣. رب الأريكة ملقي التاج وهو له
حيث الإمارة أرضته وأرضاها
4. He gave to his nation the right they sought
So the adversaries of truth opposed her.
٤. أعطى لأمته الحق الذي طلبت
فعاكسته خصوم الحق أعداها
5. The people were roused in anger over his concession
Each asking where her mooring was.
٥. فاستنفر الشعب في الخضرا تنازله
كل يسائلها أيان مرساها
6. She flew to him lightly though on foot.
God is in the victorious beloved of God.
٦. طارت إليه خفافا وهي راجلة
اللّه في الناصر المحبوب الله
7. She circled around him with staring eyes
Yearning for the shining moon in her delight.
٧. دارت حياله والأبصار شاخصة
ترنو إلى القمر الزاهي بمسراها
8. They regained the crown raised to its owner
Where he deserved with it honor and prestige.
٨. استرجعوا التاج مرفوعا لصاحبه
حيث استحق به الإعزاز والجاه
9. He whose throne is in the depths of hearts
Attained happiness in this world and the next.
٩. من كان عرشه في أعماق أفئدة
نال السعادة دنياها وأخراها
10. No rule but through a people made upright by him
The foundation of rule, he tends it and it tends to him.
١٠. لا ملك إلا بشعب يستقيم به
أس الإمارة ترعاه ويرعاها
11. We celebrate with your memory in the kingdoms an influence
O supporter of truth, enumerating her qualities.
١١. نحيي بذكرك في الأملاك مأثرة
يا ناصر الحق إن عدت مزاياها
12. For your noble state there was a seal
When for us every year revives her memory.
١٢. كانت لدولتك الغراء خاتمة
في كل يعام لنا يحييك ذكراها