
Abbas, my son is my refuge

عباس إن ابني لي مفزع

1. Abbas, my son is my refuge
From the loneliness of living and from hatred

١. عباس إن ابني لي مفزعٌ
من وحشة العيش ومن نكره

2. His chatter comforts me in my loneliness
I hope his chatter never ceases to comfort me

٢. يؤنسني في وحشتي هذره
فلا عدمت الأنس من هذره

3. And his jumping between his toys
Though they're all too big for him

٣. ووثبه بين ألاعيبه
وكلها أكبر من قدره

4. Hitting this one and kissing that
And they're all trying to be good to him

٤. وضربه هذا وتقبيل ذا
وكلهم ساعٍ إلى بره

5. Pushing one away and turning to another
Though there's no call for deceit

٥. وصده طوراً وإقباله
وليس ما يدعو إلى غدره

6. He rides my back unapologetically
Loving him as a child despite his age

٦. يركب ظهري غير مستغفر
حب به طفلاً على كبره

7. Reckless, fearing no rebuke
And uncaring of people's disapproval

٧. مستهترٌ لا يتقي قالةً
ولا يبالي الناس من فجره

8. But know he is an obedient boy
Who repays me for his upbringing

٨. لكنه فاعلم فتى طيع
يبرني حقي من شكره

9. He kisses my hand every day without
Stinting on a kiss from his mouth

٩. يلثم كفى كل يومٍ ولا
يضن بالقبلة من ثغره

10. Convey to ‘Azzouz his longings
And the thanks buried in his chest

١٠. أبلغ إلى عزوز أطرابه
وشكره المدفون في صدره

11. And say to him that a Ma’azini lad
‘Azzouz, calls you to Egypt

١١. وقل له إن فتى مازن
يدعوك عزوز إلى مصره

12. O friend, which by God is more beautiful
When he stumbles in his walk

١٢. أيهما باللَه يا صاحبي
أجمل إذ يخطو إلى عثره

13. And which do you think, my friend
Resembles the Samaritan in his matter

١٣. ومن ترى يا صاحبي منهما
بالسامري أشبه في أمره

14. Gabriel raised him in his religion
And he grew covering others

١٤. رباه جبريل على دينه
وشب مطويا على غيره

15. And his long glorification did not help
Whether secretly or openly

١٥. ولم يفده طول تسبيحه
في سره طوراً وفي جهره

16. And that did not change his carpenter way
Nor turn the branch from its root

١٦. ولم يغير ذاك من نجره
ولا أحال الفرع عن جذره

17. When Moses went to his Lord
He led Israel astray immediately

١٧. لما غدا موسى إلى ربه
أضل إسرائيل من فوره

18. And he brought them the calf, scorning
Their dreams, laughing secretly

١٨. وجاءهم بالعجل مستحقراً
أحلامهم يضحك في سره

19. And who do you see is Moses the Converser
Whom Pharaoh raised on his disbelief

١٩. ومن ترى موسى الكليم الذي
رباه فرعون على كفره

20. Pharaoh saw him and was not deterred
Except by a prophet in a pious lad

٢٠. رياه فرعون فما راعه
إلّا نبيٌّ في فتى بره

21. Calling to God and His approval
And to the Almighty’s promise in his palace

٢١. يدعو إلى اللَه ورضوانه
وبوعد الجبار في قصره

22. I do not fear the loss of wealth
Abbas, in his advancing years

٢٢. لا مال أخشى منه إتلافه
عباس ي المقبل من عمره

23. Nor do I care if when he grows up
He loses interest in life and its comforts

٢٣. ولا أباليه إذا ما غدا
يزهد في العيش وفي وفره

24. Assailing people with his sins
Without benefiting people with his virtues

٢٤. يعدو على الناس بسوءاته
ولا يصيب الناس من خيره

25. And I do not dread seeing him a lad
Who has filled the world with his evil

٢٥. ولست أخشى أن أراه فتىً
قد وسع العالم من شره

26. Rather, my friend, I dread
Poetry surging in his chest

٢٦. لكنما أشفق يا صاحبي
من أن يجيش الشعر في صدره

27. Who will buy my poetry scorning
The heedless one’s life of ease

٢٧. من يشتري شعري على حيه
براحة الغافل عن دهره

28. Who will buy my warbling debasing
The oblivious one’s dawn

٢٨. من يشتري تغريدتي موهناً
بغطة الذاهل عن فجره

29. Who will buy a tear that reveals to the lad
Its wandering, not its outpouring

٢٩. من يشتري دمعاً يحس الفتى
جولته لا الفيض من قطره

30. Who will buy a soul and its torments
For one heavily burdened in thought

٣٠. من يشتري نفساً وآلامها
بثقلة المأفوك في فكره

31. Who will buy this but a frequenter of wine
Seeking harm with both feet

٣١. من يشتري هذا سوى مائق
يسعى برجليه إلى ضره