1. We count his breaths and tally them
As the night with darkness collides
١. نعد أنفاسه ونحسبها
والليل فيه الظلام يلتطم
2. If life's departure exhausts him
Blood trickles down from his temples
٢. إذا خروج الحياة أجهده
تساقطت عن جبينه الديم
3. A chest as restless as the tide
Death's legions within it reside
٣. صدرٌ كصدر الخضم مضطرب
جحافل الموت فيه تزدحم
4. Were he to rise, heeding our call
Or sleep, hushed by our soft tread
٤. إن قام ملنا له بمسمعنا
أو نام خفت بوطئنا القدم
5. Hope starts, fretting his sleep so long
As yearning and ennui take their toll
٥. يرتاع من طول نومه الأمل
ويشتكيه الرجاء والسأم
6. Our lingering fear of his silence
Like steeds our hopes cannot stem
٦. كأنما الخوف من تردده
خيلٌ لها من رجائنا لجم
7. We left him, dead, in his prime
Asleep, though aged and eyes dim
٧. خلناه قد مات وهو في سنة
ونائم الجفن وهو مخترم
8. His smile in death seems to say
He smiles like a dove about to fly
٨. قد قلصت ثغره منيته
كأنه للحمام يبتسم