1. A man's oath which he has sworn is binding, though he be no liar,
And the burden of an oath uttered by a truthful man is no sin;
١. يَمينُ اِمرِئٍ آلى وَلَيسَ بِكاذِبٍ
وَما في يَمينٍ بَثَّها صادِقٌ وِزرُ
2. Though the son of generosity be buried this eve, and left lonely,
Happy the man whose death the grave has hidden!
٢. لِئِن كانَ أَمسى اِبنُ المُغَوِّرِ قَد ثوى
فَريداً لَنِعمَ المَرءُ غَيَّبَهُ القَبرُ
3. The man of bounty, faith, and high renown,
And war kindling, no faint at heart, no weakling;
٣. هُوَ المَرءُ لِلمَعروفِ وَالدينِ وَالنَدى
وَمِسعَرُ حَربٍ لا كَهامٌ وَلا غُمرُ
4. He halted and called his people, so they bore it,
Though the trails were obstructed and the seas far sundered.
٤. أَقامَ وَنادى أَهلَهُ فَتَحَمَّلوا
وَصُرِّمَتِ الأَسبابُ وَاِختَلَفَ البَحرُ
5. What man abandoned ye in your houses,
When the horizons turned red at even?
٥. فَأَيَّ اِمرِئٍ غادَرتُمُ في بُيوتِكُم
إِذا هِيَ أَمسَت لَونُ آفاقِها حُمرُ
6. The yearlings ambled with lofty croups
Spare of flesh, and no loud-snorting stallion was heard amongst them.
٦. إِذا الشَولُ أَمسَت وَهيَ حُدبٌ ظُهورُها
عِجافاً وَلَم يُسمَع لِفَحلٍ لَها هَدرُ
7. Much ashes overlay the cooking-pots,
When the cattle were mustered and the salt herbage sprouted.
٧. كَثيرُ رَمادِ القِدرِ يُغشى فِناؤُهُ
إِذا نودِيَ الأَيسارُ وَاِختُضِرَ الجَزرُ
8. A hero whose flesh had been tender, his flesh became cheap
When cauldrons were lowered at the fair.
٨. فَتىً كانَ يَغلو اللَحمُ نَيئاً وَلَحمُهُ
رَخيصٌ بِكَفَّيهِ إِذا تُنزَلُ القِدرُ
9. He shares it liberally until they are satisfied,
Nor was he like another who yawns from disdain.
٩. يُقَسِّمُها حَتّى يُسيغَ وَلَم يَكُن
كَآخَرَ يُضحي مِن تَحَيُّنِهِ زَجرُ
10. A hero of valiance and hospitality, when he gives comfort to guests
In the night, and provision for the journey against its obstruction.
١٠. فَتى الحَيِّ وَالأَضيافِ إِن رَوَّحَتهُم
بِلَيل وَزادُ السَفرِ إِن أَرمَدَ السَفرُ
11. And he includes remnants of their provision, trusting in Him,
And gains wealth unknowingly in an arid depression,
١١. وَحَفَّت بِقايا زادِهِم وَتَواكَلوا
وَأَكسَبَ مالَ القَومِ مَجهولَةٌ قَفرُ
12. When the people pack off at night, then dawn
To find it free from decline or breach.
١٢. إِذا القَومُ أَسرَوا لَيلَهُم ثُمَّ اَصبَحوا
غَدا وَهوَ ما فيهِ سِقاطٌ وَلا فَترُ
13. And though their eyes in meeting his be abashed
And dazzled as the eagle's gaze at the sun,
١٣. وَإِن خَشَعَت أَبصارُهُم وَتَضاءَلَت
مِنَ الأَينِ جَلّى مِثلَ ما يَنظُرُ الصَقرُ
14. And though a damsel alight with them and pass the night
Yet his neighbour's veil goes unruptured.
١٤. وَإِن جارَةٌ حَلَّت وَباتَت وَفي بِها
فَباتَت وَلَم يُهتَك لِجارَتِهِ سِترُ
15. Chaste, untouched by spear though spears surround him,
No sapling where he stands but has a broken shaft.
١٥. عَفيفٌ عَنِ السَنَوآتِ ما التَبَسَت بِهِ
صَليبٌ فَما يُلفى بِعودٍ لَهُ كَسرُ
16. Thou hast travelled the road of the two worlds, and there remains not
Beyond that which thou hast met, fear or falling short.
١٦. سَلَكتَ سَبيلَ العالَمينَ فَما لَهُم
وَراءَ الَّذي لاقَيتَ مَعدىً وَلا قَصرُ
17. Every man one day meets his dove,
Though long the claim and lengthy the life.
١٧. وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يَوماً مُلاقٍ حِمامَهُ
وَإِن باتَتِ الدَعوى وَطالَ بِها العُمرُ
18. Nobly thou livedst, and thy wage from me today
Is that the verse speak well of thee.
١٨. فَأَبلَيتَ خَيراً في الحَياةِ وَإِنَّما
ثَوابُكَ عِندي اليَومَ أَن يَنطِقَ الشِعرُ
19. To ransom thee, guardian or brother of high spirit,
Of slender means, neither bounty nor palace owns.
١٩. لِيَفدِكَ مَولىً اَو أَخٌ ذو دَمامَةٍ
قَليلُ الغَناءِ لا عَطاءٌ وَلا قَصرُ