
The daughter of al-Absi says you have aged after us

تقول ابنة العبسي قد شبت بعدنا

1. The daughter of al-Absi says you have aged after us
And every man ages after youth

١. تَقولُ اِبنَةَ العَبسِيِّ قَد شِبتَ بَعدَنا
وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ بَعدَ الشَبابِ يَشيبُ

2. Aging is but an absent thing that was present
And speech is either erring or right

٢. وَما الشَيبُ إِلّا غائِبٌ كانَ جائِياً
وَما القَولُ إِلّا مُخطِئٌ وَمُصيبُ

3. Sulaima said why has your body become pale
As if wine protects you, o physician

٣. تَقولُ سُلَيمى ما لَجِسمِكَ شاحِباً
كَأَنَّكَ يَحميكَ الشَرابَ طَبيبُ

4. So I answered without knowing the answer or confessing
While fate laughs in silence at the obstinate soul

٤. فَقُلتُ وَلَم أَعيَ الجَوابَ وَلَم أَبُح
وَلِلدَهرِ في الصُمِّ الصِلابِ نَصيبُ

5. Events follow each other that make my brothers drink
And turned my hair white while sorrows whiten

٥. تَتابُعُ أَحداثٍ يُجَرِّعنَ إِخوَتي
فَشَيَّبنَ رَأسي وَالخُطوبُ تُشيبُ

6. By my life if death has struck
My brother, and deaths are gifts for men

٦. لَعَمري لَئِن كانَت أَصابَت مَنِيَّةٌ
أَخي وَالمَنايا لِلرِجالِ شَعوبُ

7. His forbearance was refreshing for me
While his ignorance was blazing

٧. لَقَد كانَ أَمّا حِلمُهُ فَمُرَوِّحٌ
عَلَيَّ وَأَمّا جَهلُهُ فَعَزيبُ

8. My brother, no debaucher in suspicion
Nor chaste at the meeting of maidens

٨. أَخي ما أَخي لا فاحِشٌ عِندَ ريبَةٍ
وَلا وَرِعٌ عِندَ اللِقاءِ هَيوبُ

9. A brother who was enough for me and who helped me
Against black misfortunes when they take turns

٩. أَخٌ كانَ يَكفيني وكانَ يُعينُني
عَلى النائِباتِ السُودِ حينَ تَنوبُ

10. Forbearing when the surah of ignorance recited
The necklaces of old age on the stubborn soul

١٠. حَليمٌ إِذا ما سَورَةُ الجَهلِ أَطلَقَت
حُبى الشَيبِ لِلنَفسِ اللَجوجِ غَلوبُ

11. He's sweet honey in forbearance and manners
And a lion when meeting rebels

١١. هُوَ العَسَلُ الماذِيُّ حِلماً وَشيمَةً
وَلَيثٌ إِذا لاقى العُداةَ قَطوبُ

12. His mother fell when the dawn rises
And what the night wants when it becomes dark

١٢. هَوَت أُمُّهُ ما يَبعَثُ الصُبحُ غادِياً
وَماذا يَوَدُّ اللَيلُ حينَ يَؤوبُ

13. His mother fell, what does his grave contain
Of glory and kindness when it changes

١٣. هَوَت أُمُّهُ ماذا تَضَمَّنَ قَبرُهُ
مِنَ المَجدِ وَالمَعروفِ حينَ يَنوبُ

14. A youth of 'Urahi whose virility shook for dew
As the iron rod shook from water

١٤. فَتىً أَريحِيٌّ كانَ يَهتَزُّ لِلنَدى
كَما اِهتَزَّ مِن ماءِ الحَديدِ قَضيبُ

15. Like the spear point of the slim spear, he was not
Disappointed when the people asked for the most high

١٥. كَعالِيَةِ الرُمحِ الرُدَينِيِّ لَم يَكُن
إِذا اِبتَدَرَ القَومُ العُلاءَ يَخيبُ

16. A brother whose years, the guest knows
That he will pour plenty of water in his springs

١٦. أَخو سَنواتٍ يَعلَمُ الضَيفُ أَنَّهُ
سَيُكثِرُ ماءً في إِناهُ يَطيبُ

17. Beloved to visitors, his home always filled
Beautifully greeting while growing into a poet

١٧. حَبيبٌ إِلى الزُوّارِ غِشيَانُ بَيتِهِ
جَميلُ المُحَيّا شَبَّ وَهوَ أَديبُ

18. When the hands of men fall short of high deeds
Dhaw' takes up the furthest generous deeds

١٨. إِذا قَصَّرَت أَيدي الرِجال عَنِ العُلا
تَناوَلَ أَقصى المَكرُماتِ كَسوبُ

19. He gathered all threads of goodness from every side
When misfortune befell them, they were safe

١٩. جموعُ خِلالِ الخَيرِ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
إِذا حَلَّ مَكروهٌ بِهِنَّ ذَهوبُ

20. Beneficial in finding benefits, repeating
Acts of help and generosity are his scars

٢٠. مُفيدٌ لِمَلقى الفائِداتِ مُعاوِدٌ
لِفِعلِ النَدى وَالمَكرُماتِ نَدوبُ

21. A supplicant supplicating, is there anyone responding to help
But then there was no respondent

٢١. وَداعٍ دعا هَل مَن يُجيبُ إِلى النَدى
فَلَم يَستَجِبهُ عِندَ ذاكَ مُجيبُ

22. So I said, supplicate again and raise your voice aloud
Perhaps Abu Mighwar is near you

٢٢. فَقُلتُ اِدعُ أُخرى وَاِرفَعِ الصَوتَ جَهرةً
لَعَلَّ أَبا المِغوارِ مِنكَ قَريبُ

23. He will answer you as he used to do, he
Of wide arms was quicker to respond

٢٣. يُجِبكَ كَما قَد كانَ يَفعَلُ إِنَّهُ
بِأَمثالِها رَحبُ الذِراعِ أَريبُ

24. He came to you swiftly and responded to help
That's how he used to respond before today

٢٤. أَتاكَ سَريعاً وَاِستَجابَ إِلى النَدى
كَذالِكَ قَبلَ اليَومِ كانَ يُجيبُ

25. As if the swimming horses never stopped
When the men harnessed the excellent horses

٢٥. كَأَنَّهُ لَم يَدعُ السَوابِحُ مَرَّةً
إِذا اِبتَدَرَ الخَيلَ الرِجالُ نَجيبُ

26. A man who did not care if his body
Became pale when the conditions of men became bleak

٢٦. فَتىً لا يُبالي أَن تَكونَ بِجِسمِهِ
إِذا حالَ حالاتُ الرِجالِ شُحوبُ

27. When he appeared to men, you saw him
And they did not babble while he was near

٢٧. إِذا ما تَراءى لِلرِجالِ رَأَيتَهُ
فَلَم يَنطِقوا اللَغواءَ وَهوَ قَريبُ

28. I saw him in the best state of men
And the best is nothing but pleasure and fortune

٢٨. عَلى خَيرِ ما كانَ الرِجالُ رَأَيتُهُ
وَما الخَيرُ إِلّا طُعمَةٌ وَنَصيبُ

29. An ally of help, he calls help, it answers him
Quickly, and help calls him, he answers

٢٩. حَليِفُ النَدى يَدعو النَدى فَيُجيبُهُ
سَريعاً وَيَدعوهُ النَدى فَيُجيبُ

30. A savior for someone helpless who found none to save him
And a choked man, smoke surrounds the stranger

٣٠. غِياثٌ لِعانٍ لَم يَجِد مَن يُغيثُهُ
وَمُختَبِطٍ يَغشى الدُخانَ غَريبُ

31. Great embers, his abode is wide
Heated sand no defects hid

٣١. عَظيمُ رَمادِ النارِ رَحبٌ فِناؤُهُ
غِلى سَنَدٍ لَم تَحتَجِبهُ عُيوبُ

32. Help sleeps, o mother of 'Amr, the bedding
If the pure were not few

٣٢. يَبيتُ النَدى يا أُمَّ عَمرٍ ضَجيعَةُ
إِذا لَم يَكُن في المُنقِياتِ حَلوبُ

33. Forbearing when forbearance adorns its people
With forbearance, fearful in the enemy's eyes

٣٣. حَليمٌ إِذا ما الحِلمُ زَيَّنَ أَهلَهُ
مَعَ الحِلمِ في عَينِ العَدُوِّ مهيبُ

34. Hurt when he hurts men out of enmity
Feared when he opposes men out of enmity

٣٤. مُعَنّىً إِذا عادى الرِجالَ عَداوَةً
بَعيداً إِذا عادى الرِجالَ رَهيبُ

35. He enriched us with goodness for a period then fate
Struck us, the fate that strikes all people

٣٥. غَنينا بِخَيرٍ حِقبَةً ثُمَّ جَلَّحَت
عَلَينا الَّتي كُلَّ الأَنامِ تُصيبُ

36. It left little, leaving, and prepared
For another, and hoping for life is false

٣٦. فَأَبقَت قَليلاً ذاهِباً وَتَجَهَّزَت
لِآخَرَ وَالراجي الحَياةَ كذوبُ

37. And I know whoever survives of them
His farthest extent is near

٣٧. وَأَعلَمُ أَنّ الباقِيَ الحَيَّ مِنهُمُ
إِلى أَجَلٍ أَقصى مَداهُ قَريبُ

38. As if Abu Mighwar did not fulfill a covenant
When the invaders ambushed the people as a watcher

٣٨. لَقَد أَفسَدَ الموت الحَياةَ وَقَد أَتى
عَلى يَومِهِ عِلقٌ عَلَيَّ جَنيبُ

39. And left no noble youth for an unlucky person
When the winds of winter blew strong

٣٩. أَتى دونَ حُلوِ العَيشِ حَتّى أَمَرَّهُ
نَكوبٌ عَلى آثارِهِنَّ نُكوبُ

40. If one who was absent turns away or lags
That is enough from them, and the person at fault prospers

٤٠. فَإِن تَكُنِ الأَيّامُ أَحسَنَّ مَرَّةً
إِلَيَّ فَقَد عادَت لَهُنَّ ذُنوبُ

41. As if Abu Mighwar of glory, the desert did not lure him
When the houses were empty due to isolation

٤١. كَأَنَّ أَبا المِغوارِ لَم يوفِ مَرقباً
إِذا ما رَبا القَومَ الغُزاةَ رَقيبُ

42. A deserted encampment where if its sand is removed
Scars appear atop their scars

٤٢. وَلَم يَدعُ فِتياناً كِراماً لِمَيسِرٍ
إِذا اِشتَدَّ مِن ريحِ الشِتاءِ هُبوبُ

43. And I cry for him, and I am truthful
About him, and some sayers are liars

٤٣. فَإِن غابَ عَنّا غائِبٌ أَو تَخاذَلو
كَفى ذاكَ مِنهُم وَالجَنابُ خَصيبُ

44. The young man of war, when it came, its sky
And the splitter of firewood on a trip, the generous hands

٤٤. كَأَنَّ أَبا المِغوارِ ذا المَجدِ لم تجب
بِهِ البيدَ عيسٌ بِالفَلاةِ جَيوبُ

45. You comforted me saying death is only in towns
How so when this is a plateau and dunes?

٤٥. عَلاةٌ تَرى فيها إِذا حُطَّ رَملُها
نُدوباً عَلى آثارِهِنَّ نُدوبُ

46. The water of a sky that was not stagnant
In the desert flowing over it are the winds

٤٦. وَإِنّي لَباكيهِ وَإِنّي لَصادِقٌ
عَلَيهِ وَبَعضُ القائِلينَ كَذوبُ

47. His home is in the abode of truth and bliss
No doctor found fault in his sayings

٤٧. فَتى الحَربِ إِن جارَت كَأَنَّ سَماءَها
وَفي السَفرِ مِفضالُ اليَدَينِ وَهوبُ

48. If the world was for sale I would buy him
For with him souls became fragrant

٤٨. وَحَدَّثتُماني إِنَّما المَوتُ في القِرى
فَكَيفَ وَهَذيِ هَضبَةٌ وَكَثيبُ

49. With my eyes or right hand, and it was said to me
He is the winner on the day he returns

٤٩. وَماءُ سَماءٍ كان غَيرَ مَجَمَّةٍ
بِبادِيَةٍ تَجري عَلَيهِ جَنوبُ

50. By my life just as the remote when gone
What comes tomorrow is near

٥٠. وَمَنزِلُهُ في دارِ صِدقٍ وَغِبطَةٍ
وَما قالَ من حُكمٍ عَلَيهِ طَبيبُ

51. And my hopes to meet the hopeful
Though its tracks branched from meeting me

٥١. فَلَو كانَتِ الدُنيا تُباعُ اِشتَرَيتُهُ
بِها إِذ بِهِ كانَ النُفوسُ تَطيبُ

52. Like Dahil's supplication forever burdened
And he has no respondent even til death

٥٢. بِعَينَيَّ أَو يُمنى يَدَيَّ وَقيلَ لي
هُوَ الغانِمُ الجَذلانُ يَومَ يَؤوبُ

53. By God I do not forget him since the rising of dawn
And whatever iron spearhead shook

٥٣. لَعَمري كَما أَنّ البَعيدَ لَما مَضى
فَإِنَّ الَّذي يَأتي غَداً لَقَريبُ

54. I long to meet him though crowds
Have come between me and that meeting

٥٤. وَإِنّي وَتَأميلي لِقاءَ مُؤَمَّلٍ
وَقَد شَعَبَتهُ عَن لِقاي شَعوبُ

55. Like one who supplicates to Hudhayl but has
No respondent even until death

٥٥. كَداعي هُذَيلٍ لا يَزالُ مُكَلَّفاً
وَلَيسَ لَهُ حَتّى المَماتِ مُجيبُ

٥٦. فَوَاللَهِ لا أَنساهُ ما ذَرَّ شارِقٌ
وَما اِهتَزَّ مِن فَرقِ الأَراكِ قَضيبُ