
Weary of night's gloom, a traveller found no rest.

وسار تعناه المبيت فلم يدع

1. Weary of night's gloom, a traveller found no rest.
Darkness denied him refuge or place to lie.

١. وَسارٍ تَعَنّاهُ المَبيتُ فَلَم يَدَع
لَهُ طامِسُ الظَلماءِ وَاللَيلِ مَذهَبا

2. He spied a distant fire and thought it a star,
His spirit lied that it was nought but a star.

٢. رَأَى ضَوءَ نارٍ مِن بَعيدٍ فَخالَها
لَقَد أَكذَبَتهُ النَفسُ بَل راءَ كَوكَبا

3. When he found it was a kindly fire instead,
He trusted what he'd once thought must be false.

٣. فلَمّا اِستَبانَ أَنَّها آنِسِيَّةٌ
وَصَدَّقَ ظَنّاً بَعدَ ما كان كَذَّبا

4. I raised a blaze to hail him with my palm
A Syrian fire, or storm from North or South.

٤. رَفَعتُ لَهُ بِالكَفِّ ناراً تَشُبُّها
شآمِيَّةٌ نَكباءُ أَو عاصِفٌ صَبا

5. "Lift it on high," I said, "that it may call
To a lonely traveller on a lonely night.”

٥. وَقُلتُ اِرفَعاها بِالصَعيدِ كَفى بِها
مُنادٍ لِسارٍ لَيلَةً إِن تَأَوَّبا

6. As rain soaked him, he came to me for shelter.
I welcomed him, with ease and wished him well.

٦. فَلَمَّا أَتاني وَالسَماءُ تَبُلُّهُ
فَلَقَّيتُهُ أَهلاً وَسَهلاً وَمَرحَبا

7. I turned towards the pool, still topped with drifts
The rain had not yet drained to their depths away.

٧. وَقُمتُ إِلى البَركِ الهَواجِدِ فَاِتَّقَت
بِكَوماءَ لَم يَذهَب بِها النَّيُّ مَذهَبا

8. I gashed its neck that the entrails might gush out
And furnish forth a feast for both of us.

٨. فَرَحَّبتُ أَعَلى الجَنبِ مِنها بِطَعنَةٍ
دَعَت مُستَكِنَّ الجَوفِ حَتّى تَصَبَّبا

9. The bubbles rose like pearls in their own spheres
Like cornelian and grey in their own globes.

٩. تَسامى بَناتُ الغَليِ في حُجُراتِها
تَسامي عِتاقِ الخَيلِ وَرداً وَأَشهَبا