
Afatim before you two have delighted me,

أفاطم قبل بينك متعيني

1. Afatim before you two have delighted me,
And your refusal of what I asked you to show me,

١. أَفاطِمُ قَبلَ بَينِكِ مَتِّعيني
وَمَنعُكِ ما سَأَلتُكِ أَن تَبيني

2. So do not make false promises
That summer winds pass by below me.

٢. فَلا تَعِدي مَواعِدَ كاذِباتٍ
تَمُرُّ بِها رِياحُ الصَيفِ دوني

3. If my left hand were to oppose me
I would cut it off and say between me and it -

٣. فَإِنّي لَو تُخالِفُني شِمالي
خِلافَكِ ما وَصَلتُ بِها يَميني

4. That's how I deal with whoever opposes me.
To the one with a grudge who looked from behind the veil -

٤. إِذاً لَقَطَعتُها وَلَقُلتُ بِيني
كَذَلِكَ أَجتَوي مَن يَجتَويني

5. She did not leave the valley for a time.
They passed by rugged cliffs and smooth dunes

٥. لِمَن ظُعُنٌ تَطَلَّعَ مِن ضُبَيبٍ
فَما خَرَجَت مِنَ الوادي لِحينِ

6. And bent the branches to the right.
And they were likewise when they crossed a valley,

٦. مَرَرنَ عَلى شَرافٍ فَذاتِ هَجلٍ
وَنَكَّبنَ الذَرانِحَ بِاليَمينِ

7. As if their necks were on a boat.
They resembled the boat while they are good fortune -

٧. وَهُنَّ كَذاكَ حينَ قَطَعنَ فَلجاً
كَأَنَّ حُدوجَهُنَّ عَلى سَفينِ

8. High-chested, large-eyed fillies.
And they on the coaches, settled

٨. يُشَبَّهنَ السَفينَ وَهُنَّ بُختٌ
عُراضاتُ الأَباهِرِ وَالشُؤونِ

9. Slayers of every valiant weakling.
Like gazelles who strayed with no guide

٩. وَهُنَّ عَلى الرَجائِزِ واكِناتٌ
قَواتِلُ كُلَّ أَشجَعَ مُستَكينِ

10. Drinking dew from the branches.
They appeared with anklets and let down braids

١٠. كَغُزلانٍ خَذَلنَ بِذاتِ ضالٍ
تَنوشُ الدانِياتِ مِنَ الغُصونِ

11. And pierced veils for their eyes.
And of gold that shines on a necklace

١١. ظَهَرنَ بِكِلَّةٍ وَسَدَلنَ رَقماً
وَثَقَّبنَ الوَصاوِصَ لِلعُيونِ

12. The color of ivory, without any greenness.
And they in the darkness, wrapped up

١٢. وَمِن ذَهَبٍ يَلوحُ عَلى تَريبٍ
كَلَونِ العاجِ لَيسَ بِذي غُضونِ

13. Long-tailed, long-horned.
They showed beauty while others concealed it

١٣. وَهُنَّ عَلى الظِلام مُطَلَّبَاتٌ
طَويلاتُ الذَوائِبِ وَالقُرونِ

14. Of excellent lineage and guarded honor.
If one is tempted by a glance one day

١٤. أَرَينَ مَحاسِناً وَكَنَنَّ أُخرى
مِنَ الأَجيادِ وَالبَشَرِ المَصونِ

15. It's hard for him - he won't come back for a time.
With a toy I entertain myself, shooting my arrows

١٥. إِذا ما فُتنَهُ يَوماً بِرَهنٍ
يَعِزُّ عَلَيهِ لَم يَرجِع بِحينِ

16. That pierce brilliant stars from the bow.
They ascended the skies and descended unseen

١٦. بِتَلهِيَةٍ أَريشُ بِها سِهامي
تَبُذُّ المُرشِقاتِ مِنَ القَطينِ

17. And did not come back saying anything for a time.
So I said to one of them as I loaded my belongings

١٧. عَلَونَ رَباوَةً وَهَبَطنَ غَيباً
فَلَم يَرجِعنَ قائِلَةً لِحينِ

18. For a migrant, binding my forehead for her:
Perhaps if you cut the rope from me

١٨. فَقُلتُ لِبَعضِهِنَّ وَشُدَّ رَحلي
لِهاجِرَةٍ عَصَبتُ لَها جَبيني

19. I would then be your companion for lifetimes.
So cast off your worries with one filthy

١٩. لَعَلَّكِ إِن صَرَمتِ الحَبلَ مِنّي
أَكونُ كَذاكَ مُصحِبَتي قَروني

20. With matted hair like the hammer of a blacksmith.
With her truthful shank that seemed to compete with

٢٠. فَسَلِّ الهَمَّ عَنكَ بِذاتِ لَوثٍ
عُذافِرةٍ كَمِطرَقَةِ القُيونِ

21. And take on the valley washing.
As if its hide made a perfect garment,

٢١. بِصادِقَةِ الوَجيفِ كَأَنَّ هِرّاً
يُباريها وَيَأخُذُ بِالوَضينِ

22. The black digger from the mud.
When it twitches, I hold its tether tighter

٢٢. كَساها تامِكاً قَرِداً عَلَيها
سَوادِيُّ الرَضيحِ مِنَ اللَجينِ

23. In front of visitors than the valley's twitching.
As if the places her breath comes out

٢٣. إِذا قَلِقَت أَشُدُّ لَها سِنافاً
أَمامَ الزَورِ مِن قَلَقِ الوَضينِ

24. Are perfumed with early wild roses.
The breath of asthma from her strengthens

٢٤. كَأَنَّ مَواقِعَ الثَفِناتِ مِنها
مُعَرَّسُ باكِراتِ الوِردِ جُونِ

25. The forbidden biting with tusks.
She pounds both flanks with a splitter

٢٥. يَجُدُّ تَنَفُّسُ الصُعَداءِ مِنها
قُوى النِسعِ المُحَرَّمِ ذي المُتونِ

26. Whose sound is louder than the groan.
As if her breath's expulsion were both hands

٢٦. تَصُكُّ الجَانِبَينِ بِمُشفَتِرٍّ
لَهُ صَوتٌ أَبَحُّ مِنَ الرَنينِ

27. Throwing a strange ball with helping hands.
She closes with everlasting peril a chaste

٢٧. كَأَنَّ نَفِيَّ ما تَنفي يَداها
قِذافُ غَريبَةٍ بِيَدَي مُعينِ

28. Vulva's yearning for the thick rods.
And you can hear when a fly sings

٢٨. تَسُدُّ بِدائِمِ الخَطَرانِ جَثلٍ
خَوايَةَ فَرجِ مِقلاتٍ دَهينِ

29. Like the cooing of doves on the roof corners.
And I let her tether go and she slept

٢٩. وَتَسمَعُ لِلذُبابِ إِذا تَغَنّى
كَتَغريدِ الحَمامِ عَلى الوُكونِ

30. As was her habit, openly.
As if her resting place was a bowl

٣٠. وَأَلقَيتُ الزِمامَ لَها فَنامَت
لِعادَتِها مِنَ السَدَفِ المُبينِ

31. Poured on her goats and on the valley.
As if the balls and anklets on her

٣١. كَأَنَّ مُناخَها مُلقى لِجامٍ
عَلى مَعزائِها وَعَلى الوَجينِ

32. Were on skilled, thick-necked horses.
Her mass splits the water, rising over

٣٢. كَأَنَّ الكورَ وَالأَنساعَ مِنها
عَلى قَرواءَ ماهِرَةٍ دَهينِ

33. The dunes of every hump-backed valley.
Her shoulder blades have become cracked, forgetting her -

٣٣. يَشُقُّ الماءَ جُؤجُؤُها وَتَعلو
غَوارِبَ كُلِّ ذي حَدَبٍ بَطينِ

34. Impudent in the marrow and muscles.
When I get up to make her depart by night,

٣٤. غَدَت قَوداءَ مُنشَقّاً نَساها
تَجاسَرُ بِالنُخاعِ وَبِالوَتينِ

35. She moans the moan of a grieving man.
She says, when I turn my valley from her:

٣٥. إِذا ما قُمتُ أَرحَلُها بِلَيلٍ
تَأَوَّهُ آهَةَ الرَجُلِ الحَزينِ

36. "Is this his religion, ever, and mine?
Is all of time easy departure and travel,

٣٦. تَقولُ إِذا دَرَأتُ لَها وَضيني
أَهَذا دِينُهُ أَبَداً وَديني

37. Never leaving me as I am, or securing me?
So I spend my useless time while earnestness from her

٣٧. أَكُلُّ الدَهرِ حَلٌّ وَاِرتِحالٌ
أَما يُبقي عَلَيَّ وَما يَقيني

38. Is like the shops of counterfeit sellers."
I bent her tether and placed my belongings

٣٨. فَأَبقى باطِلي وَالجِدُّ مِنها
كَدُكّانِ الدَرابِنَةِ المَطينِ

39. And a drinking flask I clasped in my right hand.
So I was happy with her challenging an intoxicated man

٣٩. ثَنَيتُ زِمامَها وَوَضَعتُ رَحلي
وَنُمرُقَةً رَفَدتُ بِها يَميني

40. On his camel-litter and on the mounts.
To and from Amr - she brought me

٤٠. فَرُحتُ بِها تُعارِضُ مُسبَكِرّاً
عَلى ضَحضاحِهِ وَعَلى المُتونِ

41. The most judicious and wisest brother.
"Either be my true brother

٤١. إِلى عَمرٍو وَمِن عَمرٍو أَتَتني
أَخى النَجداتِ وَالحِلمِ الرَصينِ

42. And take my impurity and purity from me,
Or cast me off and make me

٤٢. فَإِمّا أَن تَكونَ أَخي بِحَقٍّ
فَأَعرِفَ مِنكَ غَثّي مِن سَميني

43. An enemy, each avoiding the other.
And I don't know, when I set out

٤٣. وَإِلّا فَاِطَّرِحني وَاِتَّخِذني
عَدُوّاً أَتَّقيكَ وَتَتَّقيني

44. Which I want - good or ill for me.
Is the good that I seek

٤٤. وَما أَدري إِذا يَمَّمتُ وَجهاً
أُريدُ الخَيرَ أَيُّهُما يَليني

45. Or the evil that seeks me?
Leave off - tell me what I have known

٤٥. أَأَلخَيرُ الَّذي أَنا أَبتَغيهِ
أَمِ الشَرُّ الَّذي هُوَ يَبتَغيني

46. And I will avoid it, but inform me of what is hidden."

٤٦. دَعى ماذا عَلِمتُ سَأَتَّقيهِ
وَلَكِن بِالمَغيبِ نَبِّئيني