
O my eyes, shed copious tears

ياعين جودي بدمع منك مسكوب

1. O my eyes, shed copious tears
Like pearls scattered on the ground, pierced

١. ياعَينِ جودي بِدَمعٍ مِنكِ مَسكوبِ
كَلُؤلُؤٍ جالَ في الأَسماطِ مَثقوبِ

2. I remembered him while the night was still dark
So my heart was cracked, not yet healed

٢. إِنّي تَذَكَّرتُهُ وَاللَيلُ مُعتَكِرٌ
فَفي فُؤادِيَ صَدعٌ غَيرُ مَشعوبِ

3. How excellent was that youth when the guests arrived
Seekers came after sleep, worried

٣. نِعمَ الفَتى كانَ لِلأَضيافِ إِذ نَزَلوا
وَسائِلٍ حَلَّ بَعدَ النَومِ مَحروبِ

4. How many callers Called while the night was pitch black
You saved them from the ropes of death, troubled

٤. كَم مِن مُنادٍ دَعا وَاللَيلُ مُكتَنِعٌ
نَفَّستَ عَنهُ حِبالَ المَوتِ مَكروبِ

5. And an ungrateful prisoner you rewarded
With your own arms, unflinching, not hesitating

٥. وَمِن أَسيرٍ بِلا شُكرٍ جَزاكَ بِهِ
بِساعِدَيهِ كُلومٌ غَيرُ تَجليبِ

6. You released him and said good words
After saying them, they were not met with lies

٦. فَكَكتَهُ وَمَقالٍ قُلتَهُ حَسَنٍ
بَعدَ المَقالَةِ لَم يُؤبَن بِتَكذيبِ