1. As if the son of 'Amr did not raid at dawn
With horses, nor don coat of mail or armor,
١. كَأَنَّ اِبنَ عَمروٍ لَم يُصَبَّح لِغارَةٍ
بِخَيلٍ وَلَم يُعمِل نَجائِبَ ضُمَّرا
2. Nor share with brethren of purity their bread
Snatching away scraps though the loopholes darker.
٢. وَلَم يُجزِ إِخوانَ الصَفاءِ وَيَكتَسي
عَجاجاً أَثارَتهُ السَنابِكُ أَكدَرا
3. Nor once in the heat of noon built he a shade,
Of robes and mantle for his young warriors.
٣. وَلَم يَبنِ في حَرِّ الهَواجِرِ مَرَّةً
لِفِتيَتِهِ ظِلّاً رِداءً مُحَبَّرا
4. Then wept they over Sakhrs son, for he
When life glooms darkly, lightens the load of care.
٤. فَبَكّوا عَلى صَخرِ بنِ عَمروٍ فَإِنَّهُ
يَسيرٌ إِذا ما الدَهرُ بِالناسِ أَعسَرا
5. He gives when goodness is asked of his hand,
And bitter to the seeker of bitter fare.
٥. يَجودُ وَيَحلو حينَ يُطلَبُ خَيرُهُ
وَمُرّاً إِذا يَبغي المَرارَةَ مُمقِرا
6. So Khanasaa laments in the dark and cries
And calls her brother who answers her nevermore.
٦. فَخَنساءُ تَبكي في الظَلامِ حَزينَةً
وَتَدعو أَخاها لا يُجيبُ مُعَفَّرا