
My eyes, be generous and do not freeze

أعيني جودا ولا تجمدا

1. My eyes, be generous and do not freeze
Do you not weep for the rock of dew?

١. أَعَينَيَّ جودا وَلا تَجمُدا
أَلا تَبكِيانِ لِصَخرِ النَدى

2. Do you not weep for the bold, the beautiful
Do you not weep for the noble youth

٢. أَلا تَبكِيانِ الجَريءَ الجَميلَ
أَلا تَبكِيانِ الفَتى السَيِّدا

3. Tall of purpose, lofty of pillar
He led his clan courageously

٣. طَويلَ النِجادِ رَفيعَ العِمادِ
سادَ عَشيرَتَهُ أَمرَدا

4. When the people stretched out their hands
To glory, he stretched out his hand

٤. إِذا القَومُ مَدّوا بِأَيديهِمِ
إِلى المَجدِ مَدَّ إِلَيهِ يَدا

5. He attained what was beyond their hands
Of glory, then departed, ascending

٥. فَنالَ الَّذي فَوقَ أَيديهِمِ
مِنَ المَجدِ ثُمَّ مَضى مُصعِدا

6. The people task him beyond themselves
Though he was youngest in birth

٦. يُكَلِّفُهُ القَومُ ما عالُهُم
وَإِن كانَ أَصغَرَهُم مَولِدا

7. You see glory plunging to his house
Deeming most excellent gain to be praised

٧. تَرى المَجدَ يَهوي إِلى بَيتِهِ
يَرى أَفضَلَ الكَسبِ أَن يُحمَدا

8. And when glory is mentioned, he wraps himself
In glory, then dons his cloak

٨. وَإِن ذُكِرَ المَجدُ أَلفَيتَهُ
تَأَزَّرَ بِالمَجدِ ثُمَّ اِرتَدى