
A bird flew past me in the dove cot I warned him

جرى لي طير في حمام حذرته

1. A bird flew past me in the dove cot I warned him
Against you, son of Amr, out of enmity and last night

١. جَرى لِيَ طَيرٌ في حِمامٍ حَذِرتُهُ
عَلَيكَ اِبنَ عَمروٍ مِن سَنيحٍ وَبارِحِ

2. Yet my warning a rock did not save, and it destroyed him
The places of departure for the one bidding farewell and the first to leave

٢. فَلَم يُنجِ صَخراً ما حَذِرتُ وَغالَهُ
مَواقِعُ غادٍ لِلمَنونِ وَرائِحِ

3. A hostage of Rams, whose trains may drag
Over it the claws of wild ravens tearing violently

٣. رَهينَةُ رَمسٍ قَد تَجُرُّ ذُيولُها
عَلَيهِ سَوافي الرامِساتِ البَوارِحِ

4. So oh eye cry for a man whose fame has flown
For him weep the eye of the swimming seekers

٤. فَيا عَينِ بَكّي لِاِمرِئٍ طارَ ذِكرُهُ
لَهُ تَبكِ عَينُ الراكِضاتِ السَوابِحِ

5. And every long-backed horse is ashen colored, emaciated
And every old one among the steeds of As-Sifa'

٥. وَكُلُّ طَويلِ المَتنِ أَسمَرَ ذابِلٍ
وَكُلُّ عَتيقٍ في جِيادِ الصَفائِحِ

6. And every Udhal like lightning, humiliated
And every eminent purebred, fast as a diver

٦. وَكُلُّ دِلاصٍ كَالأَضاةِ مُذالَةً
وَكُلُّ جَوادٍ بَيِّنِ العِتقِ قارِحِ

7. And every pregnant she-camel like the Phoenix, collected
And every swift at the end of the night, speedy

٧. وَكُلُّ ذَمولٍ كَالفَنيقِ شِمِلَّةٍ
وَكُلُّ سَريعٍ آخِرِ اللَيلِ آزِحِ

8. And the neighbor for a day, if he calls for hospitality
He first calls the wild beasts for help

٨. وَلِلجارِ يَوماً إِن دَعا لِمَضيفَةٍ
دَعا مُستَغيثاً أَوَّلاً بِالجَوايِحِ

9. The brother of resoluteness in confusion and determination in
She whose impact turns the white hair of old men black

٩. أَخو الحَزمِ في الهَيجاءِ وَالعَزمِ في الَّتي
لِوَقعَتِها يَسوَدُّ بيضُ المَسايِحِ

10. A sufficient mentor, intelligent, who brings people together
Permitting the birth of the dim-sighted evil-intentioned backbiter

١٠. حَسيبٌ لَبيبٌ مُتلِفٌ ما أَفادَهُ
مُبيحُ تِلادِ المُستَغِشِّ المُكاشِحِ