
O my anxious soul over a rock that has become anxious

يا لهف نفسي على صخر وقد لهفت

1. O my anxious soul over a rock that has become anxious
Will the confusion of my heart be restored from my anxiety?

١. يا لَهفَ نَفسي عَلى صَخرٍ وَقَد لَهِفَت
وَهَل يَرُدَّنَّ خَبلَ القَلبِ تَلهيفي

2. Cry for your brother when you neighbor him at night
Be generous to him with an unrestrained tear

٢. اِبكي أَخاكِ إِذا جاوَرتِهِم سَحَراً
جودي عَلَيهِ بِدَمعٍ غَيرِ مَنزوفِ

3. Cry for the one disgraced by the wealth of the people if he stays
Ashes that moan with the plundering clan

٣. اِبكي المُهينَ تِلادَ المالِ إِن نَزَلَت
شَهباءُ تَرزَحُ بِالقَومِ المَتاريفِ

4. And cry for your brother for an age that has become intimate
While time, oh it moans with agony and wrapping

٤. وَاِبكي أَخاكِ لِدَهرٍ صارَ مُؤتَلِفاً
وَالدَهرُ وَيحَكِ ذو فَجعٍ وَتَجليفِ