
Do not think that I have found comfort

لا تخل أنني لقيت رواحا

1. Do not think that I have found comfort
After the rock, until grief became audible

١. لا تَخَل أَنَّني لَقيتُ رَواحا
بَعدَ صَخرٍ حَتّى أَثَبنَ نُواحا

2. From my conscience, with the agony of sadness, until
Sadness gnawed my heart creating wounds

٢. مِن ضَميري بِلَوعَةِ الحُزنِ حَتّى
نَكَأَ الحُزنُ في فُؤادي فِقاحا

3. Do not think I have forgotten my sorrows
Not even if I drank cups of wine

٣. لا تَخَلني أَنّي نَسيتُ وَلا بُل
لَ فُؤادي وَلَو شَرِبتُ القَراحا

4. When I remember the call of the rock
My patience weakens, then it screams

٤. ذِكرَ صَخرٍ إِذا ذَكَرتُ نَداهُ
عيلَ صَبري بِرُزئِهِ ثُمَّ باحا

5. In my chest are four things that echo
Yearning until they broke my wings

٥. إِنَّ في الصَدرِ أَربَعاً يَتَجاوَب
نَ حَنيناً حَتّى كَسَرنَ الجَناحا

6. It cracked my bones and my wings collapsed from me
The death of the rock, so I cannot bear comfort

٦. دَقَّ عَظمي وَهاضَ مِنّي جَناحي
هُلكُ صَخرٍ فَما أُطيقُ بَراحا

7. Who is there for a guest that descends on abode
After the rock, when the screams call him

٧. مَن لِضَيفٍ يَحِلُّ بِالحَيِّ عانٍ
بَعدَ صَخرٍ إِذا دَعاهُ صُياحا

8. Upon it are the widows of the tribe and the children
Complaining to him, they have become bold

٨. وَعَلَيهِ أَرامِلُ الحَيِّ وَالسَف
رُ وَمُعتَرُّهُم بِهِ قَد أَلاحا

9. And gifts he shakes with generosity
And ambition for whoever desires ambition

٩. وَعَطايا يَهُزُها بِسَماحٍ
وَطِماحٍ لِمَن أَرادَ طِماحا

10. Success in matters, smooth, noble
And if he ever went to war, he brought it

١٠. ظَفِرٌ بِالأُمورِ جَلدٌ نَجيبٌ
وَإِذا ما سَما لِحَربٍ أَباحا

11. And with wisdom, if the ignorant blame him
He holds back ignorance, after it had spread

١١. وَبِحِلمٍ إِذا الجَهولُ اِعتَراهُ
يَردَعُ الجَهلَ بَعدَما قَد أَشاحا

12. I know your generosity, and your setting free of enemies, forgiveness
A knight who strikes the battalion with the sword

١٢. إِنَّني قَد عَلِمتُ وَجدَكَ بِالحَم
دِ وَإِطلاقَكَ العُناةَ سَماحاَ

13. When the wailing of women follows the screams
He meets the stab towards the necks with resolve

١٣. فارِسٌ يَضرِبُ الكَتيبَةَ بِالسَي
فِ إِذا أَردَفَ العَويلُ الصُياحا

14. When his attack rises until it softens the wounds
Turning away from him, and not desiring struggle

١٤. يُقبِلُ الطَعنَ لِلنُحورِ بِشَزرٍ
حينَ يَسمو حَتّى يُلينَ الجِراحا

15. How many prey has he stilled their trembling out of fear
They used to call to their lines openly

١٥. مُقبِلاتٌ حَتّى يُوَلَّينَ عَنهُ
مُدبِراتٌ وَما يُرِدنَ كِفاحا

16. The knight of war, and the turbaned in it
His knowledge of war when he engages in combat

١٦. كَم طَريدٍ قَد سَكَّنَ الجَأشَ مِنهُ
كانَ يَدعو بِصَفِّهِنَّ صُراحا

١٧. فارِسُ الحَربِ وَالمُعَمَّمُ فيها
مِدرَهُ الحَربِ حينَ يَلقى نِطاحا