1. You shed tears for the son of 'Amr
Misfortunes with which my generosity was lessened
١. أَهاجَ لَكِ الدُموعَ عَلى اِبنِ عَمروٍ
مَصائِبُ قَد رُزِئتِ بِها فَجودي
2. In an uninterrupted flow from you
Never ceasing, unique among the unique
٢. بِسَجلٍ مِنكِ مُنحَدِرٍ عَلَيهِ
فَما يَنفَكَّ مِثلَ عَدا الفَريدِ
3. Upon a branch made slender by it, a shy ostriches
Tall in stature, white and praiseworthy
٣. عَلى فَرعٍ رُزِئتِ بِهِ خُناسٌ
طَويلِ الباعِ فَيّاضٍ حَميدِ
4. An ice block, the best of Bani Sulaym
Noble among them whether black or whitened
٤. جَليدٍ كانَ خَيرَ بَني سُلَيمٍ
كَريمِهِمِ المُسَوَّدِ وَالمَسودِ
5. Abu Hassān was the protector of my people
Yet lies fallen amidst the sands
٥. أَبو حَسّانَ كانَ ثِمالَ قَومي
فَأَصبَحَ ثاوِياً بَينَ اللَحودِ
6. A hostage of decrepitude, and every youth decays
So spill tears copiously in generous lament
٦. رَهينُ بِلىً وَكُلُّ فَتىً سَيَبلى
فَأَذري الدَمعَ بِالسَكبِ المَجودِ
7. I swear had you remained you'd have been among us
Beyond number, not competed with in number
٧. فَأُقسِمُ لَو بَقَيتَ لَكُنتَ فينا
عَديداً لا يُكاثَرُ بِالعَديدِ
8. But fortunes come like night visitors
Turning at will the stout-hearted man aside
٨. وَلَكِنَّ الحَوادِثَ طارِقاتٌ
لَها صَرفٌ عَلى الرَجُلِ الجَليدِ
9. And if they've come to you, do not call out
For they have slain a generous, glorious man
٩. فَإِن تَكُ قَد أَتَتكَ فَلا تُنادي
فَقَد أَودَت بِفَيّاضٍ مَجيدِ
10. An intrepid, noble one, there came to him
The turns of fate, after Thamud's clans
١٠. جَليدٍ حازِمٍ قِدَماً أَتاهُ
صُروفُ الدَهرِ بَعدَ بَني ثَمودِ
11. And 'Ad whom time has tyrannously overcome
And the armies of Himyar together with their armies
١١. وَعاداً قَد عَلاها الدَهرُ قَسراً
وَحِميَرَ وَالجُنودَ مَعَ الجُنودِ
12. So let not Abu Hassān be far, a boulder he was
And the birds of S'uud have alighted in his shade
١٢. فَلا يَبعَد أَبو حَسّانَ صَخرٌ
وَحَلَّ بِرَمسِهِ طَيرُ السُعود