1. The mourner cried out at the loss of my brother, dew
A cry, by my life, you cannot fail to hear
١. لَقَد صَوَّتَ الناعي بِفَقدِ أَخي النَدى
نِداءً لَعَمري لا أَبا لَكَ يُسمَعُ
2. I rose up, though at his tragic death
My soul almost followed his terror and panic
٢. فَقُمتُ وَقَد كادَت لِرَوعَةِ هُلكِهِ
وَفَزعَتِهِ نَفسي مِنَ الحُزنِ تَتبَعُ
3. To him, as if I were humble and devout
Wine's brother, rising at times, then struck down
٣. إِلَيهِ كَأَنّي حَوبَةً وَتَخَشُّعاً
أَخو الخَمرِ يَسمو تارَةً ثُمَّ يُصرَعُ
4. Who now remains for the homes of guests, if they
Came to you, then called out and heard?
٤. فَمَن لِقِرى الأَضيافِ بَعدَكَ إِن هُمُ
قُبالَكَ حَلّوا ثُمَّ نادوا فَأَسمَعوا
5. As was their custom, when you lived, as they had
With you bounty, water and plenty
٥. كَعَهدِهِمِ إِذ أَنتَ حَيٌّ وَإِذ لَهُم
لَدَيكَ مَنالاتٌ وَرِيٌّ وَمَشبَعُ
6. Who remains for a worried guest, fallen on hardship
And matters beyond a companion's mending?
٦. وَمَن لِمُهِمٍّ حَلَّ بِالجارِ فادِحٍ
وَأَمرٍ وَهى مِن صاحِبٍ لَيسَ يُرقَعُ
7. Who remains for a vulgar drinking companion, attacking
His companion in crass ignorance?
٧. وَمَن لِجَليسٍ مُفحِشٍ لِجَليسِهِ
عَلَيهِ بِجَهلٍ جاهِداً يَتَسَرَّعُ
8. If you lived, your patience would have dampened his foolishness
With gentle, great forbearance
٨. وَلَو كُنتَ حَيّاً كانَ إِطفاءُ جَهلِهِ
بِحِلمِكَ في رِفقٍ وَحِلمُكَ أَوسَعُ
9. Whenever I feared the specter of hardship
I sought refuge in it from dire want
٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا ما خِفتُ إِردافَ عُسرَةٍ
أَظَلُّ لَها مِن خيفَةٍ أَتَقَنَّعُ
10. I called to the rock of dew, and found
In it ease to banish all troubles
١٠. دَعَوتُ لَها صَخرَ النَدى فَوَجَدتُهُ
لَهُ موسَرٌ يُنفى بِهِ العُسرُ أَجمَعُ