
Will your eye neglect the events of time,

أمن حدث الأيام عينك تهمل

1. Will your eye neglect the events of time,
Weeping over a boulder while the epochs make one forget?

١. أَمِن حَدَثِ الأَيّامِ عَينُكِ تَهمِلُ
تُبَكّي عَلى صَخرٍ وَفي الدَهرِ مُذهِلُ

2. Isn't there one whose eyes their tears don't dry up
When I speak he is roused and begins to worry

٢. أَلا مَن لِعَينٍ لا تَجِفُّ دُموعُها
إِذا قُلتُ أَفثَت تَستَهِلُّ فَتَحفِلُ

3. About the magnificent, huge, skilled,
He has an eminence among his people never to change

٣. عَلى ماجِدٍ ضَخمِ الدَسيعَةِ بارِعٍ
لَهُ سورَةٌ في قَومِهِ ما تُحَوَّلُ

4. So no person's palm has reached
Glory except where you have reached higher

٤. فَما بَلَغَت كَفُّ اِمرِئٍ مُتَناوِلٍ
مِنَ المَجدِ إِلّا حَيثُ ما نِلتَ أَطوَلُ

5. Nor have the eulogists in speech attained
A eulogy, nor were they truthful except in what about you is superior

٥. وَلا بَلَغَ المُهدونَ في القَولِ مِدحَةً
وَلا صَدَقوا إِلّا الَّذي فيكَ أَفضَلُ

6. The rain in the black fertile land
Didn't pour in it a constant dripping

٦. وَما الغَيثُ في جَعدِ الثَرى دَمِثِ الرُبى
تَبَعَّقَ فيهِ الوابِلُ المُتَهَلِّلُ

7. With a more generous palm than yours and a blessing
Encompassing, but even your palm's flow is more ample

٧. بِأَوسَعَ سَيباً مِن يَدَيكَ وَنِعمَةً
تَعُمُّ بِها بَل سَيبُ كَفَّيكَ أَجزَلُ

8. And your neighbor is protected, inaccessible, in salvation
From injustice, neither harmed nor debased,

٨. وَجارُكَ مَحفوظٌ مَنيعٌ بِنَجوَةٍ
مِنَ الضَيمِ لا يُؤذى وَلا يَتَذَلَّلُ

9. Of the people, covering the porch, as if he
When raided with injustice, was sleepy and smiling

٩. مِنَ القَومِ مَغشِيُّ الرِواقِ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا سيمَ ضَيماً خادِرٌ مُتَبَسِّلُ

10. A fierce lion whose limbs are strong,
For him in the thicket of the valley a den and cubs

١٠. شَرَنبَثُ أَطرافِ البَنانِ ضُبارِمٌ
لَهُ في عَرينِ الغيلِ عِرسٌ وَأَشبُلُ

11. A hissing serpent, white of cheek, a forest of calamities,
Fearsome to meet, averting its eye, deadly,

١١. هِزَبرٌ هَريتُ الشَدقِ رِئبالُ غابَةٍ
مَخوفُ اللِقاءِ جائِبُ العَينِ أَنجَلُ

12. The brother of generosity, well-known for his generosity and dew,
Allies as long as thorns last and dry out

١٢. أَخو الجودِ مَعروفٌ لَهُ الجودُ وَالنَدى
حَليفانِ ما دامَت تِعارُ وَيَذبُلُ