
O eye, be generous with tears

يا عين جودي بالدموع

1. O eye, be generous with tears
For those who used to visit have deserted you

١. يا عَينِ جودي بِالدُموعِ
فَقَد جَفَت عَنكِ المَراوِد

2. And cry for a rock that
Has cracked the heart with what it endures

٢. وَاِبكي لِصَخرٍ إِنَّهُ
شَقَّ الفُؤادَ لِما يُكابِد

3. Of years when their periods toughen
When winds are disasters

٣. المُستَضافِ مِنَ السِنينَ
إِذا قَسا مِنها المَحارِد

4. Their gusts crashing down
Banishing shreds from the smoothness of the sky

٤. حينَ الرِياحُ بَلائِلٌ
نُكبٌ هَوائِجُها صَوارِد

5. While the water is frozen
Rags the winds chase away

٥. يَنفينَ عَن ليطِ السَماءِ
ظَلائِلاً وَالماءُ جامِد

6. As if they are prey pulled back
While for those of lasting might and wealth knives are booty

٦. مِزَقاً تُطَرِّدُها الرِياحُ
كَأَنَّها خِرَقٌ طَرائِد

7. So they relieve the worries of one who swallows
The choking of overwhelming fortunes

٧. وَالمالُ عِندَ ذَوي البَقِي
يَةِ وَالغِنى خُذُمٌ شَرائِد

8. Until he returns with what he returns
Much dormant virtue

٨. فَيَفُكُّ كُربَةَ مَن تَمَخ
خَخَ نِقيَةَ الدُوَلِ الجَهائِد

9. Your light calls out to the dying
Your fire burning in the darkness of night

٩. حَتّى يَؤوبَ بِما يَؤوبُ
كَثيرَ فَضلِ العُرفِ حامِد

10. If she-camels were sent untended
They would grow fat with no guide

١٠. وَنَداكَ مُحتَضَرٌ وَنو
رُكَ في دُجى الظَلماءِ واقِد

11. They would lead you, your virtues showing the ways
And people needy and hopeful come to you

١١. لَو تُرسَلُ الإِبلُ الظِما
ءُ يَسُمنَ لَيسَ لَهُنَّ قائِد

12. Going back with bounty or gain
Seeking your heavy downpours amid the lightning

١٢. لَتَيَمَّمَتكَ يَدُلُّها
جَدواكَ وَالسُبُلُ المَوارِد

13. O son of great houses of protection
And son of prolific lionesses

١٣. وَالناسُ سابِلَةٌ إِلَي
كَ فَصادِرٌ بِغِنىً وَوارِد

14. And son of she-camels, their honor adorned
And protector of one called upon when

١٤. يَغشَونَ مِنكَ غُطامِطاً
جاشَت بِوابِلِهِ الرَواعِد

15. An aggressor nears in death
And defender of those near destruction

١٥. يا اِبنَ القُرومِ ذَوي الحِجى
وَاِبنَ الخَضارِمَةِ المَرافِد

16. And fortified legs trampling calamities

١٦. وَاِبنَ المَهائِرِ لِلمَها
ئِرِ زانَها الشِيَمُ المَواجِد