1. O sons of Sulaym, if you meet Fak'as
Imprisoned in a narrow, rugged place
١. أَبَني سُلَيمٍ إِن لَقَيتُم فَقعَساً
في مَحبَسٍ ضَنكٍ إِلى وَعرِ
2. Then attack them with your swords and spears
And a night raid like pouring rain
٢. فَاِلقَوهُمُ بِسُيوفِكُم وَرِماحِكُم
وَبِنَضخَةٍ في اللَيلِ كَالقَطرِ
3. Until you destroy their group and remember
The boulder and its fate without revenge
٣. حَتّى تَفُضّوا جَمعَهُم وَتَذَكَّروا
صَخراً وَمَصرَعَهُ بِلا ثَأرِ
4. And horsemen of ours who were killed there
In a decade that was of time
٤. وَفَوارِساً مِنّا هُنالِكَ قُتِّلوا
في عَشرَةٍ كانَت مِنَ الدَهرِ
5. Rabee'ah met in the fray and was struck
With a piercing stab to the chest
٥. لاقى رَبيعَةَ في الوَغى فَأَصابَهُ
طَعنٌ بِجائِفَةٍ إِلى الصَدرِ
6. With a straightened, dense-flanked blade
Like a swooping eagle's talons
٦. بِمُقَوَّمٍ لَدنِ الكُعوبِ سِنانُهُ
ذَربِ الشَباةِ كَقادِمِ النِسرِ
7. And Rabee'ah survived that day exhausted
Not slowing in his flowing generosity
٧. وَنَجا رَبيعَةُ يَومَ ذَلِكَ مُرهَقاً
لا يَأتَلي في جودِهِ يَجري
8. So the smooth-tongued camels brought him
Like an eagle returning to its nest
٨. فَأَتَت بِهِ أَسَلَ الأَسِنَّةِ ضامِرٌ
مِثلُ العُقابِ غَدَت مِنَ الوَكرِ
9. And we seized Khalid but 'Awf gave him asylum
And released him for his worth
٩. وَلَقَد أَخَذنا خالِداً فَأَجارَهُ
عَوفٌ وَأَطلَقَهُ عَلى قَدرِ
10. And our view of Khalid was corrected
However many steeds, late in time
١٠. وَلَقَد تَدارَكَ رَأيَنا في خالِدٍ
ماساءَ خَيلاً آخِرَ الدَهرِ