
Convey to Sulaima and her friends

ألا ابلغ سليما وأشياعها

1. Convey to Sulaima and her friends
That we have excelled as valiant warriors,

١. أَلا اَبلِغ سُلَيماً وَأَشياعَها
بِأَنّا فَضَلنا بِرَأسِ الهُمامِ

2. And we raided them at dawn
Quenching them with the purest wine.

٢. وَأَنّا صَبَحناهُمُ غارَةً
فَأَروَتهُمُ مِن نَقيعِ السِمامِ

3. Frowning, we greeted them at daybreak
With a cup, not a cup for revelry,

٣. وَعَبساً صَبَحنا بِثَهلانِهِم
بِكَأسٍ وَلَيسَ بِكَأسِ المُدامِ

4. And the cunning foxes witnessed
Horses, on them the darkest armor,

٤. وَثَعلَبَةُ الرَوعِ قَد عايَنوا
خُيولاً عَلَيها أُسودُ الأَجامِ

5. They flee from us, fearing the encounter,
Striking, stabbing and excellent discipline.

٥. يَلوذونَ مِنّا حِذارَ اللِقا
فَضَرباً وَطَعناً وَحُسنَ النِظامِ

6. We offered to their wives unveiled
With their anklets and belted robes.

٦. وَسُقنا لِرائِمِهِم سُجَّداً
بِأَحداجِها وَذَواتِ الحِزامِ