1. O eye, why do you not weep copiously
When fate has passed and fate was pouring
١. يا عَينِ ما لَكِ لا تَبكينَ تَسكابا
إِذ رابَ دَهرٌ وَكانَ الدَهرُ رَيّابا
2. So weep for your brother, for orphans and widows
And weep for your brother when he dwells with strangers
٢. فَاِبكي أَخاكِ لِأَيتامٍ وَأَرمَلَةٍ
وَاِبكي أَخاكِ إِذا جاوَرتِ أَجنابا
3. And weep for your brother's horses, gathered like wild cats
When they lost a master and were seized as loot
٣. وَاِبكي أَخاكِ لِخَيلٍ كَالقَطا عُصَباً
فَقَدنَ لَمّا ثَوى سَيباً وَأَنهابا
4. A rider takes them galloping, their hooves thunder
Cloaked in the blackness of night in robes
٤. يَعدو بِهِ سابِحٌ نَهدٌ مَراكِلُهُ
مُجَلبَبٌ بِسَوادِ اللَيلِ جِلبابا
5. Until at dawn they attack some people
Or are stripped of armor at the battle line as plunder
٥. حَتّى يُصَبِّحَ أَقواماً يُحارِبُهُم
أَو يُسلَبوا دونَ صَفِّ القَومِ أَسلابا
6. He is the perfect youth, true to his protection
Shelter for the desperate whenever he is called
٦. هُوَ الفَتى الكامِلُ الحامي حَقيقَتَهُ
مَأوى الضَريكِ إِذا ما جاءَ مُنتابا
7. He guides the band when the road narrows for them
With his towering form ready for the difficult task
٧. يَهدي الرَعيلَ إِذا ضاقَ السَبيلُ بِهِم
نَهدَ التَليلِ لِصَعبِ الأَمرِ رَكّابا
8. Glory is his garment and generosity his banner
Truth his provision if destiny frowns
٨. المَجدُ حُلَّتُهُ وَالجودُ عِلَّتُهُ
وَالصِدقُ حَوزَتُهُ إِن قِرنُهُ هابا
9. Suitor of an assembly, lamp of darkness
If a riddle perplexes, he finds a solution
٩. خَطّابُ مَحفِلَةٍ فَرّاجُ مَظلَمَةٍ
إِن هابَ مُعضِلَةً سَنّى لَها بابا
10. Bearer of banners, forder of valleys
Witness of miracles, seeking the heights
١٠. حَمّالُ أَلوِيَةٍ قَطّاعُ أَودِيَةٍ
شَهّادُ أَنجِيَةٍ لِلوِترِ طَلّابا
11. Poison of foes and liberator of the oppressed, when
He meets turmoil he does not fear death
١١. سُمُّ العُداةِ وَفَكّاكُ العُناةِ إِذا
لاقى الوَغى لَم يَكُن لِلمَوتِ هَيّابا