1. Time and all that fades for it are strange indeed
It left for us sin while heads were made to bleed
١. إِنَّ الزَمانَ وَما يَفنى لَهُ عَجَبٌ
أَبقى لَنا ذَنَباً وَاِستُؤصِلَ الراسُ
2. It left all unknowns while it made us grieve
For dreamers, who now rave and roam like steeds
٢. أَبقى لَنا كُلَّ مَجهولٍ وَفَجَّعَنا
بِالحالِمينَ فَهُم هامٌ وَأَرماسُ
3. These two, old and new, though long opposed in rows
Decay not themselves - the people's virtue goes
٣. إِنَّ الجَديدَينِ في طولِ اِختِلافِهِما
لا يَفسُدانِ وَلَكِن يَفسُدُ الناسُ