1. By my life, though my life is not easy upon me,
What a fine young man you took, O clan of Khasham!
١. لَعَمري وَما عَمري عَلَيَّ بِهَيِّنٍ
لَنِعمَ الفَتى أَردَيتُمُ آلِ خَشعَما
2. He was struck down in his prime, they both were,
And it pained us that he was struck down and we were forced to comply.
٢. أُصيبَ بِهِ فَرعا سُلَيمٍ كِلاهُما
فَعَزَّ عَلَينا أَن يُصابَ وَنُرغَما
3. Whenever he rode forth with the horses in the morning
To the ridge of Ashrak, he would rein them in and hobble them,
٣. وَكانَ إِذا ما أَقدَمَ الخَيلَ بيشَةً
إِلى هَضبِ أَشراكٍ أَناخَ فَأَلجَما
4. Then he would unleash them to race like the wind, as though they were
Locusts driven by the Najd wind to devour everything.
٤. فَأَرسَلَها تَهوي رِعالاً كَأَنَّها
جَرادٌ زَفَتهُ ريحُ نَجدٍ فَأَتهَما
5. After he was gone, the resting places were left desolate,
And the pebbles were covered with the blood of his charges.
٥. فَأَمسى الحَوامي قَد تَعَفَّينَ بَعدَهُ
وَكانَ الحَصى يَكسو دَوابِرَها دَما
6. In the evening they returned plundered and harrowed,
All seen to be restless under the saddles.
٦. فَآبَت عِشاءً بِالنِهابِ وَكُلُّها
يُرى قَلِقاً تَحتَ الرِحالَةِ أَهضَما
7. And when they were not chased by a wise one,
Or by an eminent horseman, he would chase them with his blindness.
٧. وَكانَت إِذا ما لَم تُطارِد بِعاقِلٍ
أَوِ الرَسِّ خَيلاً طارَدَتها بِعَيهَما
8. He was the shelter of the tribe in every crisis,
Their protection and the armed knight.
٨. وَكانَ ثِمالَ الحَيِّ في كُلِّ أَزمَةٍ
وَعِصمَتَهُم وَالفارِسَ المُتَغَشِّما
9. He would rise to supremacy whenever war bared its fangs,
Subduing it by force or setting it aflame as he wished.
٩. وَيَنهَضُ لِلعُليا إِذا الحَربُ شَمَّرَت
فَيُطفِئُها قَهراً وَإِن شاءَ أَضرَما
10. I swear I shall never cease shedding copious tears
That wander in my eyes ceaselessly.
١٠. فَأَقسَمتُ لا أَنفَكُّ أُحدِرُ عَبرَةً
تَجولُ بِها العَينانِ مِنّي لِتَسجُما