
My soul I sacrifice for the noble knight Al-Jashami

فدى للفارس الجشمي نفسي

1. My soul I sacrifice for the noble knight Al-Jashami
And I ransom him with those most dear to me

١. فِدىً لِلفارِسِ الجُشَميَّ نَفسي
وَأَفديهِ بِمَن لي مِن حَميمِ

2. And I ransom him with every tribe of Sulaym
With their warriors and bosom friends steadfast and true

٢. وَأَفديهِ بِكُلِّ بَني سُلَيمٍ
بِظاعِنهِم وَبِالأَنَسِ المُقيمِ

3. I have singled him out, brother of the free, Qays
A gallant youth of the house of generous decree

٣. خَصَصتُ بِها أَخا الأَحرارِ قَيساً
فَتىً في بَيتِ مَكرُمَةٍ كَريمِ