1. My eyes wept and I returned to prostration,
Spending the night awake and vigilant.
١. بَكَت عَيني وَعاوَدَتِ السُهودا
وَبِتُّ اللَيلَ جانِحَةً عَميدا
2. Remembering a group that turned away and left,
Leaving us deprived of their leadership.
٢. لِذِكرى مَعشَرٍ وَلَّوا وَخَلَّوا
عَلَينا مِن خِلافَتِهِم فُقودا
3. They reached the barren valley and spent the night there,
Joining those passed as did the tribe of Thamud.
٣. وَوافَوا ظِمءَ خامِسَةٍ فَأَمسوا
مَعَ الماضينَ قَد تَبِعوا ثَمودا
4. How many horsemen, O mother of Amr,
Whose spears surround the close companions.
٤. فَكَم مِن فارِسٍ لَكِ أُمُّ عَمروٍ
يَحوطُ سِنانُهُ الأَنَسَ الحَريدا
5. Like the rock or Muawiya ibn Amr,
When the faces of the people turn black.
٥. كَصَخرٍ أَو مُعاوِيَةَ بنِ عَمروٍ
إِذا كانَت وُجوهُ القَومِ سودا
6. Who turns back the horses, bloodying them,
Worthy on the day of battle to hunt prey.
٦. يَرُدُّ الخَيلَ دامِيَةً كُلاها
جَديرٌ يَومَ هيجا أَن يَصيدا
7. They collect the tithe from those who come to them,
If the hundred are not counted as young camels.
٧. يَكُبّونَ العِشارَ لِمَن أَتاهُم
إِذا لَم تُحسِبِ المِئَةُ الوَليدا