
Alas, should I weep over a rock when a rock is our support?

ألا ابكي على صخر وصخر ثمالنا

1. Alas, should I weep over a rock when a rock is our support?
When war rages and its bitterness continues,

١. أَلا اِبكي عَلى صَخرٍ وَصَخرٌ ثِمالُنا
إِذا الحَربُ هَرَّت وَاِستَمَرَّ مَريرُها

2. Its squadrons set up and they supported each other
Against its ruggedness until its difficulty eased

٢. أَقامَ جَناحَي رَبعِها وَتَرافَدوا
عَلى صَعبِها حَتّى اِستَقامَ عَسيرُها

3. With a lightning bolt of death in it, clamoring,
Its shoulders poisoned and its throat slit.

٣. بِبارِقَةٍ لِلمَوتِ فيها عَجاجَةٌ
مَناكِبُها مَسمومَةٌ وَنُحورُها

4. It inspired with it and stopped the bloodshed and its thunder
Their zeal, the zeal of few heroes was diminished.

٤. أَهَلَّ بِها وَكفُ الدِماءِ وَرَعدُها
هَماهِمُ أَبطالٍ قَليلٌ فُتورُها

5. So a rock, in front of it is the battlefield in its entirety,
And a rock, when men betray, makes it fly

٥. فَصَخرٌ لَدَيها مِدرَهُ الحَربِ كُلَّها
وَصَخرٌ إِذا خانَ الرِجالُ يُطيرُها

6. From the high plateau, not like Al-Safa
Its purity, and not like rocks are its rocks.

٦. مِنَ الهَضبَةِ العُليا الَّتي لَيسَ كَالصَفا
صَفاها وَما إِن كَالصُخورِ صُخورُها

7. It has ledges that cannot be reached and a shoulder
Inaccessible to those who would stir it up.

٧. لَها شَرَفاتٌ لا تُنالُ وَمَنكِبٌ
مَنيعُ الذَرى عالٍ عَلى مَن يُثيرُها

8. It has two outstretched wings of glory, so a useful palm
And another at the edges of the canal slit its throats.

٨. لَهُ بَسطَتا مَجدٍ فَكَفٌّ مُفيدَةٌ
وَأُخرى بِأَطرافِ القَناةِ شُقورُها

9. He whom war raised is not well-fed
If one day its ferocity turns away from it.

٩. مَنِ الحَربُ رَبَّتهُ فَلَيسَ بِسائِمٍ
إِذا مَلَّ عَنها ذاتَ يَومٍ ضَجورُها

10. When it rains down for the cave, and is certain of
With it the ones with spears who perforate it.

١٠. إِذا ما اِقمَطَرَّت لِلمَغارِ وَأَيقَنَت
بِهِ عَن حِيالٍ مُلقِحٍ مَن يَبورُها