
My eyes shed unsparing tears,

ุนูŠู†ูŠ ุฌูˆุฏุง ุจุฏู…ุน ุบูŠุฑ ู…ู†ุฒูˆุฑ

1. My eyes shed unsparing tears,
And I wail - for a rock is better entombed.

ูก. ุนูŽูŠู†ูŽูŠู‘ูŽ ุฌูˆุฏุง ุจูุฏูŽู…ุนู ุบูŽูŠุฑู ู…ูŽู†ุฒูˆุฑู
ูˆูŽุฃูŽุนูˆูู„ุง ุฅูู†ู‘ูŽ ุตูŽุฎุฑุงู‹ ุฎูŽูŠุฑู ู…ูŽู‚ุจูˆุฑู

2. Do not fail me, for I cannot forget
The memory of Sakhr, ally of glory and goodness.

ูข. ู„ุง ุชูŽุฎุฐูู„ุงู†ูŠ ููŽุฅูู†ู‘ูŠ ุบูŽูŠุฑู ู†ุงุณููŠูŽุฉู
ู„ูุฐููƒุฑู ุตูŽุฎุฑู ุญูŽู„ูŠูู ุงู„ู…ูŽุฌุฏู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฎูŽูŠุฑู

3. O Sakhr, who will lead the horses when they are roused,
And saddle them with halters?

ูฃ. ูŠุง ุตูŽุฎุฑู ู…ูŽู† ู„ูุทูุฑุงุฏู ุงู„ุฎูŽูŠู„ู ุฅูุฐ ูˆูุฒูุนูŽุช
ูˆูŽู„ูู„ู…ูŽุทุงูŠุง ุฅูุฐุง ูŠูุดุฏูŽุฏู†ูŽ ุจูุงู„ูƒูˆุฑู

4. Who will care for the orphans if they seek
Our abodes - deeds known of you.

ูค. ูˆูŽู„ูู„ูŠูŽุชุงู…ู‰ ูˆูŽู„ูู„ุฃูŽุถูŠุงูู ุฅูู† ุทูŽุฑูŽู‚ูˆุง
ุฃูŽุจูŠุงุชูŽู†ุง ู„ูŽููŽุนุงู„ู ู…ูู†ูƒูŽ ู…ูŽุฎุจูˆุฑู

5. And who will free the captive from his shackles?
Who will be generous in hardship and ease?

ูฅ. ูˆูŽู…ูŽู† ู„ููƒูุฑุจูŽุฉู ุนุงู†ู ููŠ ุงู„ูˆูุซุงู‚ู ูˆูŽู…ูŽู†
ูŠูุนุทูŠ ุงู„ุฌูŽุฒูŠู„ูŽ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุนูุณุฑู ูˆูŽู…ูŽูŠุณูˆุฑู

6. Who will avenge the stab of Hilas or the slander
On the day of clashing with intrepid horsemen?

ูฆ. ูˆูŽู…ูŽู† ู„ูุทูŽุนู†ูŽุฉู ุญูู„ุณู ุฃูŽูˆ ู„ูู‡ุงุชูููŽุฉู
ูŠูŽูˆู…ูŽ ุงู„ุตููŠุงุญู ุจูููุฑุณุงู†ู ู…ูŽุบุงูˆูŠุฑู

7. The kinsmen fled after they were struck
At Mashrafiya - an undeserved blow.

ูง. ููŽุฑู‘ูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽู‚ุงุฑูุจู ุนูŽู†ู‡ุง ุจูŽุนุฏูŽู…ุง ุถูุฑูุจูˆุง
ุจูุงู„ู…ูŽุดุฑูŽูููŠู‘ูŽุฉู ุถูŽุฑุจุงู‹ ุบูŽูŠุฑูŽ ุชูŽุนุฒูŠุฑู

8. And she surrendered after the ruin of the whites
And lamented the lost life of ease.

ูจ. ูˆูŽุฃูŽุณู„ูŽู…ูŽุช ุจูŽุนุฏูŽ ู†ูŽู‚ูู ุงู„ุจูŠุถู ูˆูŽุงูุนุชูŽุณูŽููŽุช
ู…ูู† ุจูŽุนุฏู ู„ูŽุฐู‘ูŽุฉู ุนูŽูŠุดู ุบูŽูŠุฑู ู…ูŽู‚ุชูˆุฑู

9. O Sakhr, you were a life for us to live,
Had the arbiters of fate respited you.

ูฉ. ูŠุง ุตูŽุฎุฑู ูƒูู†ุชูŽ ู„ูŽู†ุง ุนูŽูŠุดุงู‹ ู†ูŽุนูŠุดู ุจูู‡ู
ู„ูŽูˆ ุฃูŽู…ู‡ูŽู„ูŽุชูƒูŽ ู…ูู„ูู…ู‘ุงุชู ุงู„ู…ูŽู‚ุงุฏูŠุฑู

10. O horseman, if they rallied and were not humbled,
And chieftain, if they thought of failing.

ูกู . ูŠุง ูุงุฑูุณูŽ ุงู„ุฎูŽูŠู„ู ุฅูู† ุดูŽุฏู‘ูˆุง ููŽู„ูŽู… ูŠูŽู‡ูู†ูˆุง
ูˆูŽูุงุฑูุณูŽ ุงู„ู‚ูŽูˆู…ู ุฅูู† ู‡ูŽู…ู‘ูˆุง ุจูุชูŽู‚ุตูŠุฑู

11. My soul yearns for Sakhr when horses
Are mounted by horses like desert does.

ูกูก. ูŠุง ู„ูŽู‡ููŽ ู†ูŽูุณูŠ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุตูŽุฎุฑู ุฅูุฐุง ุฑููƒูุจูŽุช
ุฎูŽูŠู„ูŒ ู„ูุฎูŽูŠู„ู ูƒูŽุฃูŽู…ุซุงู„ู ุงู„ูŠูŽุนุงููŠุฑู

12. And the tribe provoked a war none provokes
But the flaming brands, the flaming brandsโ€™ sons.

ูกูข. ูˆูŽุฃูŽู„ู‚ูŽุญูŽ ุงู„ู‚ูŽูˆู…ู ุญูŽุฑุจุงู‹ ู„ูŽูŠุณูŽ ูŠูู„ู‚ูุญูู‡ุง
ุฅูู„ู‘ุง ุงู„ู…ูŽุณุงุนูŠุฑู ุฃูŽุจู†ุงุกู ุงู„ู…ูŽุณุงุนูŠุฑู

13. O Sakhr, what does the grave conceal
Of generosity, of virtuous nature so pure?

ูกูฃ. ูŠุง ุตูŽุฎุฑู ู…ุงุฐุง ูŠููˆุงุฑูŠ ุงู„ู‚ูŽุจุฑู ู…ูู† ูƒูŽุฑูŽู…ู
ูˆูŽู…ูู† ุฎูŽู„ุงุฆูู‚ูŽ ุนูŽูู‘ุงุชู ู…ูŽุทุงู‡ูŠุฑู