
I weep for the hero whom

أبكي على البطل الذي

1. I weep for the hero whom
you've enshrouded, a heavy boulder,

١. أَبكي عَلى البَطَلِ الَّذي
جَلَّلتُمُ صَخراً ثِقالا

2. Girded with sword, riding his lance
Now and again, again and again

٢. مُتَحَزِّماً بِالسَيفِ يَركَبُ
رُمحَهُ حالاً فَحالا

3. O boulder, who will weep for the horses
When their horsemen return hastily

٣. يا صَخرُ مَن لِلخَيلِ إِذ
رُدَّت فَوارِسُها عِجالا

4. Clad in coats of mail, their imagination
Makes them graceful in it

٤. مُتَسَربِلي حَلَقِ الحَديدِ
تَخالُهُم فيهِ جِمالا

5. Woe unto you, when the wind blows
Cold from the north

٥. وَيلي عَلَيكَ إِذا تَهُبُّ
الريحُ بارِدَةً شَمالا

6. Al-Haydar the armor-maker's cloud
Was nothing but a mirage

٦. وَالحَيدَرُ الصُرّادُ لَم
يَكُ غَيمُها إِلّا طِلالا

7. To frighten the people whom
We count as our dependents

٧. لِيُرَوِّعَ القَومَ الَّذينَ
نَعُدُّهُم فينا عِيالا

8. The best of all people, in the dwellings
Is a boulder, and the most generous of them in deed

٨. خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ في قِرىً
صَخرٌ وَأَكرَمُهُم فِعالا

9. He is the hoped for, the one
Who is hoped for, and the most excellent of them in attainment

٩. وَهُوَ المُؤَمَّلُ وَالَّذي
يُرجى وَأَفضَلُها نَوالا