1. The mourner knocked at dawn on the litter
And lamented the turbaned man from the clan of Amr
١. طَرَقَ النَعِيُّ عَلى صُفَينَةَ غُدوَةً
وَنَعى المُعَمَّمَ مِن بَني عَمروِ
2. Defender of truth and protector when
The vicissitudes of fate were not feared
٢. حامي الحَقيقَةِ وَالمُجيرَ إِذا
ما خيفَ حَدُّ نَوائِبِ الدَهرِ
3. The living know that his eyelid
Will move at dawn or move along
٣. الحَيُّ يَعلَمُ أَنَّ جَفنَتَهُ
تَغدو غَداةَ الريحِ أَو تَسري
4. When his flames roar and boil
Blessed is the Lord of fire and pot
٤. فَإِذا أَضاءَ وَجاشَ مِرجَلُهُ
فَلَنِعمَ رَبَّ النارِ وَالقِدرِ
5. Convey to his supporters, they have lost
A master who covers them and does not buy
٥. أَبلِغ مَوالِيَهُ فَقَد رُزِئوا
مَولىً يَريشُهُمُ وَلا يَشري
6. He protects their tents and grants them
Hundreds of twenties and tens
٦. يَكفي حُماتَهُمُ وَيَمنَحُهُم
مِئَةً مِنَ العِشرينَ وَالعَشرِ
7. His spear's point saturates its blades
And the horses waded in flowing blood
٧. تُروي سِنانَ الرُمحِ طَعنَتُهُ
وَالخَيلُ قَد خاضَت دَماً يَجري
8. He had been the refuge of every widow
And the shelter of every excused person
٨. قَد كانَ مَأوى كُلِّ أَرمَلَةٍ
وَمُقيلَ عَثرَةِ كُلُّ ذي عُذرِ
9. His supererogatory prayers meet their families
Thus reaching the affluent and the destitute
٩. تَلقى عِيالَهُمُ نَوافِلُهُ
فَتُصيبُ ذا المَيسورِ وَالعُسرِ