
The land has become constricted for me, though its expanses are vast

ضاقت بي الأرض وانقضت مخارمها

1. The land has become constricted for me, though its expanses are vast
Even the flags have bowed down and the tents collapsed

١. ضاقَت بِيَ الأَرضُ وَاِنقَضَّت مَخارِمُها
حَتّى تَخاشَعَتِ الأَعلامُ وَالبيدُ

2. And those who console me say, “Stop remembering him!”
But patience in the face of God's will cannot be rejected

٢. وَقائِلينَ تَعَزّي عَن تَذَكُّرِهِ
فَالصَبرَ لَيسَ لِأَمرِ اللَهِ مَردودُ

3. O rock, you were once a full moon by whose light we walked
But the day the glory and generosity died, you too passed away

٣. يا صَخرُ قَد كُنتَ بَدراً يُستَضاءُ بِهِ
فَقَد ثَوى يَومَ مُتَّ المَجدُ وَالجودُ

4. So today, no hopeful soul longs for you
Now that you are gone, and the basin of death brims over

٤. فَاليَومَ أَمسَيتَ لا يَرجوكَ ذو أَمَلٍ
لَمّا هَلَكتَ وَحَوضُ المَوتِ مَورودُ

5. You have plunged into many a dreadful whirlpool
With the finest youth as your victims instead of prey

٥. وَرُبَّ ثَغرٍ مَهولٍ خُضتَ غَمرَتَهُ
بِالمُقرَباتِ عَلَيها الفِتيَةُ الصيدُ

6. You erected the pinnacle of glory for your people
As radiant as a shooting star, though they are but moths

٦. نَصَبتَ لِلقَومِ فيهِ فَصلَ أَعيُنِهِم
مِثلَ الشِهابِ وَهى مِنهُم عَباديدُ