
Why does death still frighten us

ما لذا الموت لا يزال مخيفا

1. Why does death still frighten us
Each day it takes from us the noblest

١. ما لِذا المَوتِ لا يَزالُ مُخيفاً
كُلَّ يَومٍ يَنالُ مِنّا شَريفاً

2. Passionate for the elite among us, it only takes
The most refined and accomplished

٢. مولَعاً بِالسَراةِ مِنّا فَما يَأ
خُذُ إِلّا المُهَذَّبَ الغِطريفا

3. If death were just with us
Taking the elite and the common

٣. فَلَوَ أَنَّ المَنونَ تَعدِلُ فينا
فَتَنالُ الشَريفَ وَالمَشروفا

4. It would be right for death
To return to us and cease prolonging

٤. كانَ في الحَقِّ أَن يَعودَ لَنا المَو
تُ وَأَن لا نَسومُهُ تَسويفا

5. Oh death, if you were to avoid the aged
You would find him pure and chaste

٥. أَيُّها المَوتُ لَو تَجافَيتَ عَن صَخ
رٍ لَأَلفَيتَهُ نَقِيّاً عَفيفا

6. Having lived fifty pilgrimages, rejecting the rejected among us
And giving freely to others

٦. عاشَ خَمسينَ حِجَّةً يُنكِرُ المُن
كَرَ فينا وَيَبذُلُ المَعروفا

7. May God's mercy and peace be upon him
And may the spring rain his grave in autumn

٧. رَحمَةُ اللَهِ وَالسَلامُ عَلَيهِ
وَسَقى قَبرَهُ الرَبيعُ خَريفا