1. When Ahmad the singer sings, the birds in the sky's expanse stand still,
And nearly every melody and tune and lute and flute into the soil would melt from shyness,
١. إذا أحمدُ القَطَّانُ غَنَّى توقَّفَت
له الطيرُ في جَوِّ السماء تُصيخُ
2. My hearing has become impaired from the clangor of his voice,
My joy overflows and my sorrows grow old.
٢. وكاد حياءً كُلُّ لَحنٍ ونغمةٍ
وعودٍ وناي في التراب يَسيخُ
٣. تَقَرَّطَ سَمعِي من جَلاجِلِ صوتِهِ
فَشَبَّ سُروري والهمومُ تشيخُ