
The forgiving one from Umm Amr's tribe became desolate, so they both changed.

عفا ذو الغضا من أم عمرو فأقفرا

1. The forgiving one from Umm Amr's tribe became desolate, so they both changed.
And time changed it after me, so they both altered.

١. عَفا ذو الغَضا مِن أُمِّ عَمروٍ فأقفَرا
وَغَيَّرَهُ بَعدي البِلى فَتَغَيَّرا

2. Its people were replaced by others and it was substituted
With a substitution for it other than it, though once populated.

٢. وَبُدِّلَ أَهلاً غيرِها وَتَبَدَّلَت
بِهِ بَدَلاً مَبدىً سِواهُ وَمَحضَرا

3. Until an era when their renown persisted
Due to circumstances beyond your own soul's capacity.

٣. إِلى عَصَرٍ ثُمَّ استَمَرَّت نَواهُمُ
لِصَرفٍ مَضى عَن ذاتِ نَفسِكَ أَعسَرا

4. The gathering of the living was brief until they separated,
And it was better for them to separate.

٤. وَكانَ اجتِماعُ الحيِّ حَتّى تَفَرَّقوا
قَليلاً وَكانوا بِالتَفَرُّقِ أَجدَرا

5. But the occasional visitor revived by yearning after an absence,
And much praise, his fervor was stirred and he was reminded.

٥. بَل الزائِرُ المُنتابُ مِن بَعدِ شُقَّةٍ
وَطولِ ثَناءٍ هاجَ شَوقاً وَذكَّرا

6. An apparition set out from Umm Amr's abode, and beneath it
Were rising dunes, smoothly flowing.

٦. خَيالٌ سَرى مِن أُمِّ عَمروٍ وَدونَها
تَنائِفُ تُردى ذا الهِبابِ المُيَسَّرا

7. As if they were the settings of stars coming one after another
Towards water that became turbulent.

٧. طَروقاً وَأَعقابُ النُجومِ كأَنَّها
تَوالي هِجانٍ نَحوَ ماءٍ تَغَوَّرا

8. So I said: Oh how youth has eluded us,
And the freshness of youth gave notice of its departure.

٨. فَقُلتُ لَها أُبي فَقَد فاتَنا الصِبا
وآذِنَ رَيعانُ الشَبابِ فادبَرا

9. Events came between us after your time,
And enmity went beyond recreation, so it was cut short.

٩. وَحالَت خُطوبٌ بَعدَ عَهدِكَ دونَنا
وَعَدّى عَن اللَهو العَداءُ فأقصَرا

10. Matters, children, and a state that changed for us;
Inward and outward, O Umm Amr, they altered.

١٠. أُمورٌ وأَبناءٌ وَحالٌ تَقَلَّبَت
بِنا أَبطُنٌ يا أُمَّ عَمروٍ وأَظهُرا

11. We were struck with what - had it struck those pleased -
Would have smoothed what became rough of its pillars.

١١. أُصِبنا بِما لَو أَنَّ رَضوى أَصابَها
لَسَهَّلَ مِن أَركانِها ما تَوعَّرا

12. So how often did you find one who felt secure, and now is apprehensive?
And one with a known bounty, then he denied it?

١٢. فَكَم وَجَدَت مَن آمنٍ فَهوَ خائِفٌ
وَذي نِعمَةٍ مَعروفَةٍ فَتَنَكَّرا

13. With the white-faced one, whose face is begged to bring rain,
When chosen, they say no less could have been chosen.

١٣. بِأَبيَضَ يُستَسقى الغَمامُ بِوَجهِهِ
إِذا اختيرَ قالوا لَم يَقِل من تَخَيَّرا

14. An orphan's rags that heal wounds when touched,
And a gallant who - when rags of dishonor clothe him - denies it.

١٤. ثِمالِ اليَتامى يُبرِىءُ القَرحَ مَسُّهُ
وَشَهمٍ إِذا سيمَ الدِنيَّةَ أَنكَرا

15. One patient with hated things that would vex a young man,
And bitter - when bitterness is sought - he admits it.

١٥. صَبورٍ عَلى مَكروهِ ما يَجشِمُ الفَتى
وَمُرٍّ إِذا يُبغى المَرارَةُ مُمقِرا

16. Among those who raise glory and ascendancy through mention,
When none persists except the generous in order to be mentioned.

١٦. مِنَ الرافِعينَ الهَمَّ لِلذِكرِ والعُلى
إِذا لَم يَنؤَ إِلا الكَريمُ ليُذكَرا

17. And a comrade - when pretenders inquire -
Where goodness remains, in order to be affected by it.

١٧. وَريقٍ إِذا ما الخابِطونَ تَعالموا
مَكانَ بَقايا الخَيرِ أَن يَتأَثَّرا

18. We searched but did not stumble due to what befell us,
And had he been alive like us, he would have stumbled upon it.

١٨. رُزينا فَلَم نَعثُر لِوَقعَتِهِ بِنا
وَلَو كانَ مِن حَيٍّ سِوانا لأعثَرا

19. Our time never failed to burden us,
But we were stoic in order to be patient.

١٩. وَما دَهرُنا أَلَّا يَكونَ أَصابَنا
بِثِقلٍ وَلكِنَّا رُزينا لِنَصبِرا

20. So he passed away while we were attending to him, but did not find
One late in coming to ward off destiny.

٢٠. فَزالَ وَفينا حاضِروهُ فَلَم يَجِد
لِدَفعِ المَنايا حاضِرٌ مُتأَخَّرا

21. As if he had never been one of us and we did not seek aid through him
Against the strokes of fate, except by remembering him.

٢١. كأَن لَم يَكُن مِنّا وَلَم نَستَعِن بِهِ
عَلى نائباتِ الدَهرِ إِلّا تَذَكُّرا

22. We buttressed the stalks of our lives against the hints of death
And your seriousness to protect its branches from being severed

٢٢. وإِنّا عَلى غَمزِ المَنونِ قَناتَنا
وَجَدِّكَ حاموا فَرعِها أَن يُهَصَّرا

23. By a handful in a crevice, we prevented
The floods of enemies from fear of being ripped to shreds.

٢٣. بِجُرثومَةٍ في فَجوَةٍ حيلَ دونَها
سُيولُ الأَعادي خيفَةً أَن تَنَمَّرا

24. The dispraise of us refused - when our people
Speak of our reputations, they praise in embellished terms.

٢٤. أَبى ذَمُّنا إِنّا إِذا قالَ قَومُنا
بِأَحسابِنا أَثنوا ثَناءً مُحَبَّرا

25. And we - when the tribes of people come -
Bring forth a tribe that makes the people blossom.

٢٥. وَإِنّا إِذا ما الناسُ جاءَت قُرومُهُم
أتينا بقرم يَفرَعُ الناسَ أَزهَرا

26. You see every tribe fear it out of dread,
As non-Arabs fear the mighty adorned king.

٢٦. تَرى كُلَّ قَرمٍ يَتَّقيهِ مَخافَةً
كَما تَتَّقي العُجمُ العَزيزَ المُسَوَّرا

27. And a dilemma none can resolve is presented,
So when mentioned it brings renown and pride.

٢٧. وَمُعضِلَةٍ يُدَعى لَها مَن يُزيلُها
إِذا ذُكِرَت كانَت سَناءً وَمَفخَرا

28. I repelled when men despaired of repelling it,
And the tribe's refuge from its distress became enervated.

٢٨. دَفَعتُ وَقَد عَيَّ الرِجالُ بِدَفعِها
وأَصبَحَ مِني مِدرَهُ القَومِ أَوجَرا

29. We took it into our own hands, and its repulsiveness returned
Submissively, and we had responded to defend an ally

٢٩. أَخَذنا بِأَيدينا فَعادَ كَريهُها
مُخِفّاً وَمولىً قَد أَجَبنا لِنَنصُرا

30. Without his assistance or wronging by an oppressor;
We supported him when he stood supported.

٣٠. بِغَيرِ يَدٍ مِنهُ وَلا ظُلمِ ظالِمٍ
نَصَرناهُ لَمّا قامَ نَصراً مؤَزَرا

31. So if we survive the horrors our people feared upon us,
Then God has facilitated what He willed.

٣١. فإِن نَنجُ مِن أَهوالِ ما خافَ قَومُنا
عَلينا فإِنَّ اللَهَ ما شاءَ يَسَّرا

32. And if time overcomes us, it had overcome before us
Kings of Bani Nasr, Kisra, and Caesar.

٣٢. فإِن غالَنا دَهرٌ فَقَد غالَ قَبلَنا
مُلوكَ بَني نَصرٍ وَكِسرى وَقَيصَرا

33. Our forefathers - we are but their sons -
We will meet what they met, a destined annihilation.

٣٣. وآباؤنا ما نَحنُ إِلّا بَنوهُمُ
سَنَلقى الَّذي لاقوا حِماماً مُقَدَّرا

34. And covering the defects of a kinsman's words,
Even if he did wrong and shunned relations.

٣٤. وَعَوراءَ مِن قَولِ امرىءٍ ذي قَرابَةٍ
تَصامَمتُها وَلَو أَساءَ وَأَهجَرا

35. Honoring a comrade out of zeal and patronage
For one brought low - our time has grown deceitful.

٣٥. كَرامَةَ حَيٍّ غيرَةً واصطِناعَةً
لِدابِرَةٍ إِن دَهرُنا عادَ اَزوَرا

36. And one of small gifts who blamed me to reach me
So I made his extent fall short of my capacity.

٣٦. وَذي نَيرَبٍ قَد عابَني لينالَني
فأَعبى مَداهُ عَن مَدايَ فأَقصَرا

37. And he denied the flaws of the criticizers, my tolerance,
And my patience when the matter was frustrating and vexing.

٣٧. وَكَذَّبَ عَيبَ العائِبينَ سَماحَتي
وَصَبري إِذا ما الأَمرُ عَضَّ فأَضجَرا

38. I - when death is not beyond the span of a hand - protect my self-respect lest I delay.
And a matter I seized like the hilt of a sword, I held to it

٣٨. وَإِني إِذا ما المَوتُ لَم يَكُ دونَهُ
مَدى الشِبرِ أَحمي الأَنفَ أَن أَتأَخَّرا

39. When the affair wearied the course of affairs as a source.
If time treats me with enmity and strikes me

٣٩. وَأَمرٍ كَنَصلِ السَيفِ صَلتاً حَذَوتُهُ
إِذا الأَمرُ أَعيى مَورِدَ الأَمرِ مَصدَرا

40. With doubt, affairs do not equate people.
So I am neither downcast by calamity nor

٤٠. فإِن يَكُ دَهرٌ نابَني فأَصابَني
بِرَيبٍ فما تُشوي الحَوادِثُ مَعشَرا

41. Swayed if the turns of fate change.
And days have preserved in me a recollection

٤١. فَلا خاشِعٌ لِلنَّكبِ مِنهُ كآبَةً
وَلا جازِعٌ إِن صَرفُ دَهرٍ تَغَيَّرا

42. Of all I endured and a remembered glory.
So I am not - when woes come - desperate,

٤٢. وَقَد أَبقَتِ الأَيامُ مِنّي حَفيظَةً
عَلى جُلِّ ما لاقَيتُ وآسماً مُشَهَّرا

43. Nor dejected if time grew estranged.

٤٣. فَلَستُ إِذا الضَراءُ نابَت بِجُبّاً
وَلا قصِفٍ إِن كانَ دَهرٌ تَنَكَّرا