
I remembered a longing full of courage erected

تذكرت شجوا من شجاعة منصبا

1. I remembered a longing full of courage erected
Ancient and sucked from yearning milked

١. تَذَكَّرتَ شَجواً مِن شَجاعَةَ مُنصِبا
تَليداً ومُنتاباً مِنَ الشَوقِ مُحلبا

2. You remembered alive who was in the prime of youth
And found in it after graying following

٢. تَذَكرتَ حيّاً كانَ في مَيعَةِ الصِبا
وَوَجداً بِها بَعدَ المَشيبِ مُعَقِّبا

3. If she forgot him, her love wandered back
So for you who busied the heart and disciplined

٣. إِذا كانَ يَنساها تَرَدَّدَ حبُّها
فَيالَكَ قَد عَنّى الفؤادَ وَعَدَّبا

4. The one who loved her, settled, as if
A worn-out wineskin that did not find a peg

٤. ضَنىً مَن هَواها مُستَكِنٌّ كأَنَّهُ
خَليعُ قِداحٍ لَم يَجِد مُتَنَشَّبا

5. So the remaining affection between me and her became
A hope despite despair and a hidden thought

٥. فَأَصبَحَ باقي الودِّ بَيني وَبينَها
رَجاءً عَلى يأَسٍ وَظَنّاً مُغَيَّبا

6. And the day I recognized the house through her mark
I toured the ruins of the house in the land, guilty

٦. وَيَومَ عَرَفتُ الدارَ مِنها بِبَيشَةٍ
فَخِلتُ طُلولَ الدارِ في الأَرضِ مِذنَبا

7. I realized from the era of Al-Eraas and its people
My intention to neighbor in the tin house and the playground

٧. تَبَيَّنتُ مِن عَهدِ العِراصِ وأَهلِها
مرادَ جَواري بِالصَّفيحِ وَمَلعَبا

8. And the leaning of the hill of the villages was a defense
Against the floods, the little Wadiyah made it hunched

٨. وأَجنَفَ مأَطور القَرى كانَ جُنَّةً
مِنَ السَيلِ عالتَهُ الوَليدَةُ أَحدَبا

9. With your eyes the alive left it for an intention
Of a lover the thousands confused craved

٩. بِعَينيك زالَ الحَيُّ مِنها لنيَّةٍ
قَذوفٍ تَشوقُ الآلِفَ المُتَطَرَّبا

10. So they left at night every far and near free woman
And masters, when the caravan leader branches

١٠. فَزَمُّوا بِلَيلٍ كُلَّ وَجناءَ حُرَّةٍ
ذَقونٍ إِذا ما سائقُ الرَكبِ أَهذبا

11. And the carrier of the waterskin walking by him tired him
When he got closer to the young she-camel bent over

١١. وأَعيَسَ نَضّاخِ المَقَذِّ تَخالُهُ
إِذا ما تَدانى بِالظَعينَةِ أَنكَبا

12. Young camels of the pursuers of passion who throw the stones
Calves if the group together fled scattered

١٢. ظَعائنَ مُتباعِ الهَوى قَذَفِ النَوى
فَرودٍ إِذا خافَ الجَميعُ تَنكَّبا

13. So it became long what you have been dedicated to Layla as
A baby until your head became white

١٣. فَقَد طالَ ما عُلِّقتَ لَيلى مُغَمَّراً
وَليداً إِلى أَن صارَ رأَسُكَ أَشيبا

14. So today I do not please those who were angry
Avoiding Layla if they wanted to avoid

١٤. فَلا أَنا أُرضي اليَومَ مَن كانَ ساخِطاً
تَجَنُّبَ لَيلى إِن أَرادَ تَجَنُّبا

15. I saw you from Layla like one ill who did not find
A doctor to cure what ailed him so he experimented

١٥. رأَيتُكِ مِن لَيلى كَذي الداءِ لَم يَجِد
طَبيباً يُداوي ما بِهِ فَتَطَبَّبا

16. So when he recovered from his illness his recovery
Became a cure for himself from what had pained him

١٦. فَلَمّا اشتَفى مِمّا بِهِ عَلَّ طِبَّهُ
عَلى نَفسِهِ مِمّا بِهِ كانَ جَرَّبا

17. So leave a matter that has turned to its affairs
And fulfill the incense of passion when it burns

١٧. فَدَع عَنكَ أَمراً قَد تَوَلّى لِشأَنِهِ
وَقَضِّ لُباناتِ الهَوى إِذ تَقَضَّبا

18. With a perfumed beard as if its dripping
When it rubs sings melodiously

١٨. بِشَهمٍ جَديَليّ كأَنَّ صَريفَهُ
إِذا اصطُكَّ ناباهُ تَغَرُّدُ أَخطَبا

19. Its happiness at dyeing returned it
To pure from brilliant smooth color

١٩. بَرى أُسَّهُ عِندَ السِفارِ فَرَدَّهُ
إِلى خالِصٍ مِن ناصِعِ اللَونِ أَصهبا

20. With it I relieve distant worry and gain
When the smooth day that flickers lights

٢٠. بِهِ أَجتَدي الهَمَّ البَعيدَ وأَجتَزي
إِذا وَقَدَ اليَومُ المَليعَ المُذَبذَبا

21. Verily, O you who challenged us with insulting
Enough for me from honors of my people alarmed

٢١. أَلا أَيُّهَذا المُحتَدينا بِشَتمِهِ
كَفى بيَ عَن أَعراضِ قَوميَ مُرهَبا

22. And you have rewarded me unlike one of equal rank
In the first counter offensive experienced and tested

٢٢. وَجازَيتَ مِنّي غَيرَ ذي مثنويةٍ
عَلى الدَفعَةِ الأَولى مُبِرّاً مُجَرَّباً

23. For a noble steed that its nobility precedes the horses
And a knight if he gathered the warriors following

٢٣. لِزازَ حِضارٍ يَسبِقُ الخَيلَ عَفوهُ
وَساطٍ إِذا ضَمَّ المَحاضيرَ مُعقبا

24. Smooth, ahead of the horses, a second turn
When its chest after watching straightened

٢٤. سَجولٌ أَمامَ الخَيلِ ثاني عَطفِهِ
إِذا صَدرُهُ بَعدَ التَناظُرِ صَوَّبا

25. Come if the houses gathered from Mina
And Mecca from all the tribes leaning

٢٥. تَعالَوا إِذا ضَمَّ المَنازِلُ مِن مِنىً
وَمَكّةُ مِن كُلِّ القَبائِلِ مَنكِبا

26. Your humbleness, our children, over your children
For our excellence among people a branch and position

٢٦. نواضِعُكُم أَبناءَنا عَن بَنيكُمُ
عَلى خَيرِنا في الناسِ فَرعاً وَمَنصِباً

27. And better for a generous from a slave and others
When the people encountered the experienced erected

٢٧. وخَيرٍ لِجادٍ مِن مَوالٍ وَغيرِهِم
إِذا بادَرَ القَومُ الكَنيفَ المُنَصَّبا

28. And waded into the settlements and in calling the dew
When a guide for the people wanted so brought down rain

٢٨. وَأَشرَعَ في المِقرى وَفي دَعوَةِ النَدى
إِذا رائِدٌ لِلقَومِ رادَ فأَجدَبا

29. And we say to the guest who descends in the night, welcome
When guests were disliked, welcome and greetings

٢٩. وأَقوَلنا لِلضَّيفِ يَنزِلُ طارِقاً
إِذا كُرِهَ الأَضيافُ أَهلاً وَمَرحَبا

30. And more patient in a day of slander when
The rumors became like the intertwined plait

٣٠. وأَصبرَ في يَومِ الطِعانِ إِذا غَدَت
رِعالاً يُبارينَ الوَشيجَ المُذَرَّبا

31. There the right will be given by the one who deserves it
And the people of truth will overcome those who lied

٣١. هُنالِكَ يُعطي الحَقَّ مَن كانَ أَهلَهُ
وَيَغلُبُ أَهلُ الصِدقِ مَن كانَ أَكذَبا

32. And if you become bored of a trip or hurry
I will tell you, O pilgrims, a story that drips honey

٣٢. وإِن تسأَموا مِن رِحلَةٍ أَو تُعَجِّلوا
إِنى الحَجِ أُخبِركُم حَديثاً مُطَنِّبا

33. I am the man who does not fear you if you get angry
Nor worry about your displeasure if you rage

٣٣. أَنا المَرءُ لا يَخشاكُمُ إِن غَضِبتُمُ
وَلا يَتَوَقّى سُخطَكُم إِن تَغَضَّبا

34. I am the son of the one who ransomed you, you knew
At the Battle of Mu'an and Al-Qiyaad the twisted

٣٤. أَنا ابنُ الَّذي فاداكُمُ قَد عَلِمتُمُ
بِبَطنِ مُعانٍ والقيادَ المُجَنَّبا

35. And my grandfather whom you used to bow down prostrate
To him desiring his kingdom and creeping

٣٥. وَجَدّي الَّذي كُنتُم تَظلَّونَ سُجَّداً
لَهُ رَغبَةً في مُلكِهِ وَتَحَوُّبا

36. And we repelled Qais Ailan from you
And whoever marched from his lands and was insolent

٣٦. وَنَحنُ رَدَدنا قَيسَ عَيلانَ عَنكُمُ
وَمَن سارَ مِن أَقطارِهِ وَتأَلَّبا

37. With Shihhab when its youth were kindled for war
And Ghassan when they fled altogether and were defeated

٣٧. بِشَهباءَ إِذ شُبَّت لِحَربٍ شُبوبُها
وَغَسّانَ إِذ زافوا جَميعاً وَتَغلِبا

38. With Nuqaa'a we shaded for you from behind them
With piercing Nuqaa'a one day tightly packed

٣٨. بِنقعاءَ أَظلَلنا لَكُم مِن وَرائِهِم
بِمُنخَرِقِ النَقعاءِ يَوماً عَصَبصَبا

39. So our sons disputed safely while they betrayed
Killed and hands tied, muzzled

٣٩. فَأُبنا جِدالاً سالِمينَ وَغُودِروا
قَتيلاً وَمَشدودَ اليَدَينِ مُكَلَّبا

40. Do you not know that we shield you
When a man shields his master in fear, crept

٤٠. أَلَم تَعلَموا أَنّا نُذَبِّبُ عَنكُمُ
إِذا المَرءُ عَن مَولاهُ في الرَّوعِ ذَبَّبا

41. And we purify you and carry all of you
And aid the one of you with a family laden

٤١. وَإِنّا نُزَكِّيكُم وَنَحمِلُ كَلَّكُم
وَنَجبُرُ مِنكُم ذا العيالِ المُعَصَّبا

42. And by God's will our blow
Has vanquished for you East and West

٤٢. وَإِنّا بإِذنِ اللَهِ دَوَّخَ ضَربُنا
لَكُم مَشرِقاً في كُلِ أَرضٍ وَمَغرِبا

43. Upon us if Ma'add's ancient mobilized
For the day of glory crowd and overcome

٤٣. عَلَينا إِذا جَدَّت مَعَدٌ قَديمَها
ليَومِ النِجادِ مَيعَةً وَتَغَلُّبا

44. And we are a people who do not see clemency as humiliation
Nor feebleness when seriousness is wise, cultivated

٤٤. وَإِنّا أُناسٌ لا نَرى الحِلمَ ذِلَّةً
وَلا العَجزَ حينَ الجَدُّ حِلماً مَؤَرَّبا

45. And when Ma'add's ancient mobilizes
A mobilization against people is prepared

٤٥. وَنَحنُ إِذا عَدَّت مَعَدٌ قَديمَها
يُعَدُّ لَنا عَدّاً عَلى الناسِ تُرتَبا

46. We surpassed when Ma'add's ancient mobilized
For a day of protection crowd and turning

٤٦. سَبَقنا إِذا عَدَّت مَعَدٌ قَديمَها
ليَومِ حِفاظٍ مَيعَةً وَتَقَلُّبا

47. And we are not people who see clemency as humiliation
Nor do we relinquish glory, decline, and creeping

٤٧. وَإِنّا لَقَومٌ لا نَرى الحِلمَ ذِلَّةً
وَلا نُبسِلُ المَجدَ المُنى والتَجَلُّبا

48. And we see one who destroys clemency as destroying
Even if he is neglected of wealth cultivated

٤٨. وإِنّا نَرى مِن أُعدِمَ الحِلمَ مُعِدماً
وإِن كانَ مَدثوراً مِنَ المالِ مُترِبا

49. And the wealthy self-sufficient, his wealth benefits
And wisdom does not spend the night from us distanced

٤٩. وَذو الوَفرِ مُستَغنٍ وَيَنفَعُ وَفرُهُ
وَلَيسَ يَبيتُ الحِلمُ عَنّا مُعَزَّبا

50. And we do not abandon a master nor raise the staff
Against him nor send to the neighbor a scorpion

٥٠. وَلا نَخذُلُ المَولى وَلا نَرفَعُ العَصا
عَلَيهِ وَلا نُزجي إِلى الجارِ عَقرَبا

51. So these are our deeds so come with the like
And this is our father so seek the like, a father

٥١. فَهَذي مَساعينا فَجيئوا بِمثلَها
وَهَذا أَبونا فابتَغوا مِثلَهُ أَبا

52. He was so do not incline from truth out of craving
He relieved and is more worthy of nobility and granted

٥٢. وَكانَ فَلا تُودوا عَنِ الحَقِّ بِالمُنى
أَفَكَّ وأَولى بِالعَلاءِ وَأَوهَبا

53. A hundred ransoms and the prisoners to their people
And returning the lost lands, he does not see one wearied

٥٣. لِمَثنى المِئينَ والأَساري لأَهلِها
وَحَملِ الضياعِ لا يَرى ذاكَ مُتعِبا

54. And better for the lowest of his ancestry than your father
And to the utmost effort if what was desired crept

٥٤. وَخَيراً لأَدنى أَصلِهِ مِن أَبيكُمُ
ولِلمُجتَدى الأَقصى إِذا ما تَثَوَّبا