
And with abandoned resolve he calls the dawn though he has seen

ومستخذل يدعو الصباح وقد رأى

1. And with abandoned resolve he calls the dawn though he has seen
Renowned stars from the dawn turn pale

١. وَمُستَخذِلٍ يَدعو الصَباحَ وَقَد رأَى
عَرانينَ مَشهورٍ مِنَ الصُبحِ أَبلَقا

2. Towards no excitement has the dawn broken except that
Over it the night of perfection darkened and bowed

٢. إِلى غَير هَيجا صَبَّحَت غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
دَجا فَوقَهُ لَيلُ التِمامِ فأطرَقا