
Oh companions, don't blame me, for my spirit is free

ألا عللاني والمعلل أروح

1. Oh companions, don't blame me, for my spirit is free
And my eloquent tongue speaks whatever it wants

١. أَلا عَلِّلاني والمُعَلِّلُ أَروَحُ
وَيَنطِقُ ما شاءَ اللِسانُ المُسَرَّحُ

2. With a beautiful maid, if only she would come down
Fortune's shadow would hover over her splendor and shine

٢. بإجَّانَةٍ لَو أَنَّها خَرَّ بازِلٌ
مِن البُختِ فيها ظَلَّ للشِّقِّ يَسبَحُ

3. A gazelle running on the back of a noble steed
Passing by gently, walking proudly on her way

٣. وَقَاقُزَّةٍ تَجري عَلى مَتنِ صَفوَةٍ
تَمُرُّ لَنا مَرّاً سَنيحاً وَتَبرَحُ

4. I raised my hands praising her, and she reproached me
More arrogant than an Indian with braids in her hair

٤. رَفَعتُ بِها كَفّي وَنادَمَني بِها
أَغَرُّ كَصَدرِ الهُندوانّي شَرمَحُ

5. If only she saw in me a hint of nobility
And the honesty in my character brought her joy

٥. مَتى يَرَ مِنّي نَبوَةً لا يُشِد بِها
وَما يَرَ مِن أَخلاقي الصِدقَ يَفرَحُ

6. Are you coming tomorrow morning or just teasing?
Perhaps until tomorrow what I hope for will come true

٦. أَغادٍ غُدوّاً أَنتَ أَم مُتَرَوَّحُ
لَعَلَّ الأَنى حَتّى غَدٍ هوَ أَروَحُ

7. What you've attempted covertly may come openly
And what you fear will disappear and trouble you no more

٧. لَعَلَّ الَّذي حاوَلتَهُ في تَئيَّةٍ
يواتيكَ والأَمرَ الَّذي خِفتَ يَنزَحُ

8. Fate apportions to the youth and his peers
A share like dividing meat - or even more

٨. وَلِلدَّهرِ في أَهلِ الفَتى وتِلادِهِ
نَصيبٌ كَقَسمِ اللَحمِ أَو هوَ أَبرَحُ

9. Man loves to live long even if he suffers
And life seems ugly and unpleasant to him

٩. وَحِبَّ إِلى الإِنسانِ ما طالَ عُمرَهُ
وإِن كانَ يُشقى في الحَياةِ وَيُقبَحُ

10. The world tempts them and the pleasures of life entice them
But know the world is an illusion that will not last

١٠. تَغُرُّهُم الدُنيا وَتأَميلُ عيشها
أَلا إِنَّما الدُنيا غُرورٌ مُتَرِّحُ

11. In the end, what you rely on is what you forget
Even if it once brought you joy

١١. وآخِرُ ما شيءٍ يَعولُكَ والَّذي
تَقادَمَ تَنساهُ وَإِن كانَ يُفرِحُ

12. And a day when the hot wind rages in the market
Stirring up dust, it does not calm

١٢. وَيَومٍ مِنَ الشِعري تَظَلُّ ظِباؤُهُ
بِسوقِ العِضاهِ عوَّذاً ما تَبَرَّحُ

13. Severe in heat, guarding the shelter, its gusts
More severe in heat than the sun at its zenith

١٣. شَديدِ اللَظى حامي الوَديقَةِ ريحُهُ
أَشَدُّ لَظىً مِن شَمسِهِ حينَ يَصمَحُ

14. It rose until the shade shrank after spreading
Until it nearly covered the earth completely

١٤. تَنَصَّبَ حَتّى قَلَّصَ الظِلُّ بَعدَما
تَطاوَلَ حَتّى كادَ في الأَرضِ يَمصَحُ

15. The buzz of riding camels, so I said to my friends
"It's getting cold, get some fresh air," and they left

١٥. أَزيزَ المَطايا ثُمَ قُلتُ لِصُحبَتي
وَلَم يَنزِلوا أَبرَدتُمُ فتَرَوَّحوا

16. Quickly, then entered the darkness of night
Alas! We won't see them again where they've gone

١٦. فَراحوا سِراعا ثُمَ أَمسَوا فَأَدلَجوا
فَهَيهاتَ مِن مُمساهُمُ حَيثُ أَصبَحوا

17. With a tear like the pleats flickering over it
Along with the sun, no rather, before it can form

١٧. وَخَرقٍ كأَنَّ الريطَ تَخفِقُ فَوقَهُ
مَعَ الشَمسِ لا بَل قَبلُها يَتَضَحضَحُ

18. When people are thanking their companions at dawn
And kindness appears with the morning, ever eloquent

١٨. عَلى حينَ يُثنى القَومُ خَيراً عَلى السُرى
وَيَظهَرُ مَعروفٌ مِنَ الصُبحِ أَفصَحُ

19. It drove the birds and friends away, so none are seen
No specter, nor a bird with wings

١٩. نَفى الطَيرَ عَنهُ والأَنيسَ فَما يُرى
بِهِ شَبَحٌ وَلا مِنَ الطَيرِ أَجنَحُ

20. I passed by a female ostrich whose chick
Would be bloody drops in her urine as she's bred

٢٠. قَطَعتُ بِمرجاعٍ يَكونُ جَنينُها
دَماً قِطَعاً في بَولِها حينَ تَلقَحُ

21. Her hands are the hands of a wailing mourner
Calling for help for her husband, continuously lamenting

٢١. يَداها يَدا نَوَّاحَةٍ مُستعانَةٍ
عَلى بَعلِها غَيرى فَقامَت تَنَوَّحُ

22. Her hands pour down more than her tears withheld
Sighing and moaning for his loss

٢٢. تَجودُ يَداها فَضلَ ما ضَنَّ دَمعُها
عَليهِ فتاراتٍ تَرِنُّ وتَصدَحُ

23. She found her husband had been married to another
An old in-law of hers, bound to her family

٢٣. لَها مُقلَتا غَيرى أُتيحَ لِبَعلِها
إِلى صِهرِها صَهرٌ سِنيٌّ وَمَنكَحُ

24. When she learned after their wedding that he
Had betrayed her, she nearly barked in anguish

٢٤. فَلمّا أَتاها ما تَلبَّسَ بَعدَها
بِصاحِبها كادَت مِنَ الوَجدِ تَنبَحُ

25. She of foul soul and wicked nature
Has standing among her people and struts about

٢٥. فَقامَت قَذورَ النَفسِ ذاتَ شَكيمَةٍ
لَها قَدَمٌ في قَومِها وتَبَحبُحُ

26. Her neighbors put her down as she aspires
To satisfy her whims and eyes full of evil

٢٦. يُخَفِّضُها جاراتُها وَهيَ طامِحُ
الفؤادِ وَعَيناها مِنَ الشَرِّ أَطمَحُ

27. But let that be, do you see a flash of lightning?
I sat watching for it late into the night

٢٧. فَدَع ذا وَلَكِن هَل تَرى ضوءَ بارِقٍ
قَعَدتُ لَهُ مِن آخرِ اللَيلِ يَلمَحُ

28. Illuminating patiently from clouds as though
They were mountains covered in snow, or even brighter

٢٨. يُضيءُ صَبيراً مِن سَحابٍ كأَنَّهُ
جِبالٌ عَلاها الثَلجُ أَو هوَ أَوضَحُ

29. When the morning breeze stirred it, it crackled
And fell in streams on solitary sands overflowing

٢٩. فَلمّا تَلافَتهُ الصَبا قَرقَرَت بِهِ
وَأَلقى بأَرواقٍ عَزاليهِ تَسفَحُ

30. Tall, its scattering in the sea as though
It flowed, legs bound, held back

٣٠. طِوالٌ ذُراهُ في البُحورِ كأَنَّهُ
إِذا سارَ مَجذوذُ القَوائِمِ مُكبَحُ

31. It watered Umm 'Amr's family, greetings
To her from you, from one far away who wishes you well

٣١. سَقى أُمَّ عَمروٍ والسَلامُ تَحيَّةٌ
لَها مِنكَ والنائي يَوَدُّ ويَنصَحُ

32. Quarrelsome, sweeping the water until
The stomachs of its riders were gorged with water

٣٢. سِجالٌ يَسُحُّ الماءَ حَتّى تَهالَكَت
بُطونُ رَوابيهِ مِنَ الماءِ دُلَّحُ

33. When its successive surges ebbed, its
Little ships almost broke apart and came undone

٣٣. أَجَشُّ إِذا حَنَّت تَواليهِ أَرزَمَت
مَطافيلُهُ تِلقاءَ ما كادَ يَرشَحُ

34. Of what was between us only remains that
I love, and if you allow, I will praise

٣٤. فَلَم يَبقَ مِمّا بَينَنا غَيرَ أَنَّني
مُحِبٌّ وَأَنّي إِن نأَت سَوفَ أَمدَحُ

35. Any wealth I refuse you that you desire
Would be forbidden for us to enjoy and delight in

٣٥. وَإِنَّ حَراماً كُلُّ مالٍ مَنَعتُهُ
تُريدينَهُ مِمّا نُريحُ وَنَسرَحُ

36. I promised her, by the Living, a sly
Gazelle, that the watcher would think when glancing

٣٦. وَعَهدي بِها والحَيُّ يَدعونَ غِرَّةً
لَها أَن يَراها الناظِرُ المُتَصَفِّحُ

37. Of the white pleats, that if she tried to walk
She would be dripping blood, stumbling all around

٣٧. مِنَ الخَفِراتِ البيضِ تَحسِبُ أَنَّها
إِذا حاوَلت مَشياً نَزيفٌ مُرَنَّحُ

38. In the past days of the youth's life he suffered
And in the future more trials await

٣٨. وَفيما مَضى مِن سالِفِ الدَهرِ لِلفَتى
بَلاءٌ وَفيما بَعدَهُ مُتَمَنَّحُ

39. Few youths are patient, rewarding fate
With acceptance for what it brings day by day

٣٩. قَليلٌ مِنَ الفِتيانِ مَن هوَ صابِرٌ
مُثيبٌ بِحَقِّ الدَهرِ فيما يُرَوِّحُ

40. Though if they have no means to what is not theirs
They should not be so bold as to overstep

٤٠. عَلى أَنَّ عِرفاناً إِذا لَم يَكُن لَهُم
يَدانِ بِما لَم يَملِكوا أَن يُزَحزَحوا