1. A circumcision in joy remains his might
And he went to provoke every dream
١. ختانٌ بالمسرّة دام عزّه
وراح لكلّ حلم يستفزّه
2. With the nails of King Ali Bey
On the dress of kingdoms decorated his embroidery
٢. بأنجال المليك عليّ باي
على ثوب الممالك زان طرزه
3. A king who did not throw a resembling kingdom
At least it showed his incapacity
٣. مليكٌ لم يرمُ ملكٌ يُحاكي
أقلّ علاه إلا بان عجزُه
4. So people's treasure of gold to hoard
And the best supplication and praise his treasure
٤. فكنزُ النّاس من ذهب لذُخر
ومن خير الدُّعا والمدح كنزُه
5. So in the end supplication protects him from fire
And in the present from afflictions his amulet
٥. ففي الأخرى الدُّعاءُ يقيه نارا
وفي الدُّنيا من الافات حرزُهُ
6. What a noble circumcision
That removed the thorns from the intestines thorn
٦. فيا لله من ختن كريم
أزال حزازة الأحشاء حزُّهُ
7. Following the tradition of the Chosen One in it
And he did not turn to what spread his criticism
٧. تتبّع سُنّة المختار فيه
ولم يعدل إلى ما شاع نبزُه
8. And followed it the circumcision of the sons of the lands
And released from the belly of prison his detention
٨. وأتبعهُ بختن بني البرايا
وأطلق من ببطن السّجن حجزُه
9. Indeed, joy has increased in us so each
Like a branch, and joy is what shakes it
٩. لقد عظم السُّرور بنا فكلٌّ
كغصن والسُّرُورُ هوا يهزُّه
10. And may your circumcision remain with might comes
With the date a circumcision of lasting might
١٠. ودام ختانُكم بالعزّ يأتي
بتاريخ ختانٌ دام عزُّه