
O ruler, with abundant thanks

ألا يا مالكا بجزيل شكره

1. O ruler, with abundant thanks
And taking his right with beautiful patience

١. ألا يا مالكا بجزيل شُكره
وآخذ حقه بجيمل صبره

2. And spreading his justice among the subjects
And drawing his security over all his lands

٢. وناشر عدله بين الرّعايا
وساحب أمنه بجميع قُطره

3. Good tidings to you for what you have been given so be happy with it
And thank your God as is His right to be thanked

٣. لك البشرى بما وُلّيت فاسعد
به واشكر إلاهك حقّ شُكره

4. You have reached the highest point against the enemy
And all that the world contains in its entirety

٤. بلغت من العدُوّ مُناك طُرّا
وما يحوي من الدّنيا بأسره

5. You sought from God victory over him
So He supported you and aided you with His victory

٥. طلبت من الإلاه عليه نصرا
فآواكم وأيدكم بنصره