1. Everything about him is repulsive
Like a debt to one impoverished
١. وكلّ على القلب مُستنكر
ثقيل كدين على مُعسر
2. He's called pure yet if his filth
Was dropped in the sea, it wouldn't be cleansed
٢. يسمّى طاهرا وهو لو خالطت
نجاستهُ البحر لم يطهر
3. Even Iblis seeks refuge from his ugliness
Though he's foul in appearance
٣. وإبليس من قُبحه يستعيذُ
على أنّهُ سيّءُ المنظر
4. If the wind carried his stench
To fragrant India, it wouldn't be sweetened
٤. ولو حمل الريحُ من بحره
إلى عاطر الهند لم يعطر